Calling to Bible

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Late evening. So meaningless day.. The whole day wasted because of cats! Ugh... There would be thousand better things to do!
The walls of the living room seem too close in as he paces back and forth, phone pressed tightly to his ear. Frustration and exhaustion weigh heavy on his shoulders as he listens to the phone's calling voice. Calling to Bible.

"Hey man, how are you?" Bible's voice comes through the phone.

"Hey bro, I'm good," Jeff responds.

"You alive?"

"Yeah. Sorry for calling so late, there was a lot going on."

"It's nothing. How are you holding up?"

"I'm managing..."

"Wanna tell me what happened? Your message was so confusing.. and all of this looks quite nasty.. and all those people..."

"Yeah, they screw up the organization so much there. So big concert and.. uh.. okay.... No, I'm not going to piss myself here again.. I'm just really sorry about those people.. they came to partying, to be happy... not to get hurt..."

"Yeah, that sucks. You almost caught some too, right?"

"Well, if it wasn't for that security gorilla with me, I don't know how I would've gotten back on my feet."

"Fuuuck mee..." hiss Bible

"Don't even say... One of the best concerts of your life and then a pure nightmare. Man, you should've seen it. It was freaking packed! And by the time we realized it wasn't safe anymore, it was too late. We ended up losing each other. Barcode just vanished into the crowd. I thought I was screwed right then and there. And those bodyguards, they were like, "Let's go, we have to go!" Can you believe it?! We freaking left him behind, man!!! I can't even imagine if something happened to him there. I was so damn scared waiting for him..." fires out Jeff

"Goodness... I'm really glad you're both whole.. I read those statements. Did you write anything, or was it all production handling things?"

"No, I didn't have the energy. Just posted some stuff on Insta and Twitter and completely shut down. I can't bear to look at it. But after yesterday's exhibition, the media swarmed in. It was absolute madness. You know, 11 people injured, 4 of them seriously, and footage everywhere of me rolling on the ground and being carried away by a two-meter muscle man... They wanted to know everything. I couldn't even breathe, let alone think straight," Jeff vents his frustration.

"That sounds intense. Are you okay?" Bible's concerned voice reaches him through the phone

Pausing mid-step, Jeff leans against the wall, seeking support from his surroundings. "I just.. don't wanna talk about that... over and over again" he says weakly

"I'm not surprised, dude. Phew... I don't even have words for this. And what about Barcode? How is he handling all of this?"

"He was heartbroken about those victims. Everyone was miserable. Silvy cried me to the phone this morning. She was there to the end... Uhh..."

"Oh, god..." sigs Bible

"Barcode wants to pay the visit to them in the hospital, at least. It's a challenging time for him too, with the relentless media attention, but he appears to be fine. We're setting boundaries together and deciding what we'll share... It's just... I don't know.."

"He will be alright. Just wait a few days, there will be another mess to write about, and you'll have some peace again. Don't worry... Hey, do you wanna meet up?"

"Yo, no time, bro... Got another shoot tomorrow. I'm so fed up with this already. I said I don't wanna deal with it during shoots, but they still pushed it on me. Today was a total disaster. Cat food, man! Can you believe it?! Where the hell are we, seriously? I know we need sponsors, but damn it... Today, I could've won an award for the fakest smile ever. At least that cat chilled me out a bit. Otherwise, I would've told everyone to screw off." he says, walking back and forth

"Whoa... you have quite the mood, I must say..." Bible chuckles, picking up on Jeff's intense vibes.

"Sorry... I've been a bit impatient lately," he admitted, looking outside the window

"Take a break, at least a little bit..."

"No time, man...... I would need a week in the bush to turn off my brain." Jeff sighs, yearning for a moment of peace amidst the chaos.

"Hey, there will be Samaesan Island! It's only three days, but maybe you'll finally catch a break there."

"Honestly, I've mentally transported myself there already. They couldn't have picked a better place," Jeff replies. "I still have to kick your brother's ass on the yacht and deal with the Japanese. I'm looking forward to the new weapons. It looks like version number two, so I guess I'll get the same cannon I ran with two weeks ago when shooting the clip. It was lovely..."

"I can't wait to see it," laughs Bible "Well, I gotta run, buddy. Say what's up to the crew on Friday, and I'll catch you on the island,".

"Sure... thanks bro. See ya"

Jeff ends the conversation, and he let out a sigh as he hangs up. Just as he's about to put his phone away, Jesse enters the room, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"It was Barcode?" Jesse asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

Jeff can't help but chuckles, knowing Jesse's desire for teasing, and this is an opportunity too good to pass up. "No, Bible" he answers shortly

"Oh, I see" wrinkles his nose Jesse

"I know you're thrilled that you catch up us red-handed, but not today, bro... Not in the mood," says Jeff.

Jesse's mischievous grin remains, but sensing Jeff's genuine fatigue, he backs off, at least for the moment. "Alright, I'll let you off the hook this time. But you owe me a full debriefing later."

"Forget it..." smirks Jeff

"Oooh, mum will be so interested in the subject.." says Jesse dreaming "Oh, you know how she loves a good story. I can just imagine her reaction."

"Do not you dare!" shouts Jeff, but his mouth opens in a smile

"Hmm... so.. I'm looking forward to our chitchat, bro" he smiles, dancing out of the room, with a playful twinkle in his eye

"Moron," he mutters under his breath, shaking his head in amusement


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