Or maybe Apo

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The path leading to the wild spot above the sea is craggy, requiring careful and deliberate steps. With the flaps, they need to go down very carefully and very slowly. Finally, they reach the hidden little piece of heaven perched above the crashing waves. The panoramic view of the sea unfolds before them, the raw beauty of nature mesmerizing in beauty. It feels like a hideaway. There are no crowds or distractions here, just the soothing sound of waves and the serenity of nature. Yeah... clichédly romantic... But what to say... can't help it... it's perfect..

Barcode approaches Jeff, one hand in his pocket, the other sliding around Jeff's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder, gazing into the distance.
And it's so unusual to be the one who is wrapped, comforted, warmth... And this boy can do it just simply as that... Not even saying a thing. He's just here... calmly. With all his fondness. Lightly pressing his cheek to your ear.. He cares... So you can even close your eyes to sense all his beautiful presence as the salty breeze kisses your skin.

Apo and Mile just glace at each other and smile at the sweetness unfolding before them. And they enjoy this serene moment till Bible comes to them.

"Hooooly crap!" he breathes, looking around. He lets the water circulate among the others and stretches his entire body. And it's contagious because suddenly everyone here needs to stretch. Feel every stiff muscle.

Apo takes a moment to ground himself. He finds the right place to sit. He closes his eyes, centering himself in the present moment, focuses on feeling the energy of the earth beneath him. As the rest instinctively join him making the circle, he takes a while and starts to lead. "Let's begin by bringing our attention to our breath," he says, his voice calm and steady.

Barcode is the last one closing his eyes as thiiis iiiis sooo new territory sitting in the circle with all those grown men making this quirky yoga stuff, while Apo starts guiding them through a breathing technique.

And when those eyes are shut, there is this experience.. of the air running through all the way to filling the lungs, expanding the chests, and then releasing it slowly. The sensation of the sound of crashing waves along with a gentle breeze brings all the freshness and newfound energy. And this breathing when nothing is pushing, and you just can... can sit there and be with your body, with each inhale each exhale, with your pure existence. And the waves successfully wash away any stray thoughts...

Hmm... and that's so good... so calming... like stopping yourself which you're unable to let yourself in everyday life.

Then Apo talks a bit. "The throat chakra... It's like the communication center in our bodies," he points to his own throat, giving it a gentle pat. "When this chakra is flowing smoothly, we can express ourselves with ease, clarity, and confidence." he explains, glancing at Mile."But when it's all blocked up, we end up stumbling over our words or feeling stifled. We're gonna do some stuff to unclog that energy. We just did direct breathing, now let's stretch a bit, and then we'll try a little chanting. It's like hitting the reset button for our throats."

Jeff raises an eyebrow, grinning. "Chanting...? Like really...? Like some monks...?"

Apo nods calmly, smiling. "I know, I know, but trust me.. Chanting helps us tap into our own vibrations and release any pent-up emotions or thoughts and... you know... bla bla bla."

Bible grins mischievously. "Mmm... So, we're gonna have a jam session to fix our throats..."

"Yep.. that's what I'm talking about, " chuckles Apo "Now, let's move our bodies," he suggests. And he guides through the gentle stretch of their neck muscles to let go of any stiffness, by slowly tilting the head to one siiide, bringing the ear towards the shoulder aaand so on.. allowing all poor necks to become supple and flexible.

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