Maybe orgasm or maybe weed...

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Comon, man...

You gotta work your butt off, man, and prove yourself. Work harder and faster, like there's no tomorrow.
And yes, you will say yes to everything just to prove to them that you are capable of doing it. That they can count on you.
And fuck... it was so shity experience at this concert, but now it's no time to think about that. You didn't get hurt, nothing terrible happened at all, you didn't die so come on! You need get a grip, push yourself and let's get going. So, shoo shoo!

Sooo, yeah.. filming.. the serie.. it must be perfect, nothing else matters.. just pure perfection...

Macau made a total mess, but somehow Kim found out about this business deal as that little jerk almost screwed up Kinn's agreement with the Italians by making a deal with the Japanese. So he had to deal with them... And you know what? That shooting was freaking awesome! Like one big dance of bodyguards and ninjas. Best! And then running around the docks and ending up on the yacht, like a boss. Yea, one more, please...
And yeah, this was version two, so this sweet canon had a prime role. You wanna hold it even just for once. And imagine playing with it, shooting all around, and they all actually fall to the ground!!! Like smashed as fuck... Aaaww... so lovely...

And then, yelling at Ta.... daaaamn satisfying. When he puts that super bitch face, it's a piece of cake to put him in his place, like dealing with a crying baby. He's perfect Macau.
Amazing shooting day... Even the one who dangerously fell into the water was still grinning as nothing.
This day took all those thoughts away... if only falling asleep was so easy after that... just for once please... without a headache...

To avoid being ungrateful, all days are just great when you have your dream job. But sometimes you simply have enough and want to rest. Luckily, the time has come to go to the islands to shoot another promo for the series and react to the upcoming trailer premiere.

Finally thank god, here we are... Samaesan Island

Today, it's just some portraits, having fun together, unwrapping gifts from fans, and a short interview about the funniest and most challenging moments, and the day flew by in no time. There are still fireworks in the evening. It might seem like it's all just relaxation and not doing anything worthwhile, but you still have to maintain control. Put on a good face and keep up the mood... and it's so exhausting... for someone. And some people can recognize your forced smile.

Even if Sunshine is there with his beaming smile and endless energy. If only there weren't so many people around. Although everyone here probably knows, you can't hug and enjoy each other freely in front of them. Too many of them here... cameras everywhere... not safe... So you need to hide to steal some precious hugs to connect for a while. But every connection kicks you craving energy. With all our breaths together, with longing kisses and all the tenderness poured into all the warm touches. Gosh... so good to see each other... my sweet creature...

And in the end, there comes this unbelievable moment of break. Here you don't have to dress up like you do on any other shoot, so there's a great luxury of comfort.
Jeff is sitting on the grass away from everyone, watching the sunset. He gazes fixedly at the horizon, drumming his fingers on a glass bottle filled with tea.

Apo slowly approaches and sits beside him, also staring in the same direction. He remains there for a while, playing with the grass between his fingers. Without breaking his gaze, he carefully says, "You're tense, bro."
Jeff chuckles..  "You think?"
"I see" remarks Apo "it's so unlike you..."

Jeff sighs a little lowering his gaze "I'm fine, don't worry..." he replies, taking a sip of his oolong.

Apo slowly turns his head to look at him "You don't always have to be fine, you know... not after what happened there" says calmly

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