Chapter 20: To Hashira Training!

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Hello everyone as usual short and sweet hope you all are having an amazing day/week/month/year and enjoy this chapter!


It took me a while to do my training for becoming a Hashira but I eventually made it and was given the title The Eclipse Hashira since I knew Hinokami Kagura which was known as Sun breathing and Moon breathing, but not a while after all Hashira were required to do training with each other so Mitsuri was assigned Shinobu I'm glad she got one of her closest best friends and I got Muichiro I was glad I wanted to connect with him more since the last mission, and we were all required to be near naked but not fully just have no shirt and our usual slayer pants.

"So Haruto right? How did you become a demon?" He asked curiously I turn to him and answer "I...I was forced to be a demon by u...upper 3 but another answer to another q...question you may have no I was not a demon before I became a slayer" he nods understanding we wait for our crows to give us instructions but as we wait we decided to have a conversation "So what was your family like?" He asked "M..My family is mostly gone but I have Zaru and another sister but I c...can't remember her name..- it's been so long since she moved out, but my father was a very straightforward man he was really kind h..he was good with t..time since he made a lot of clocks and watches, my mother was a really sweet mother I wouldn't have wished for any better and Zaru she is an amazing sister I'd protect her with my life" I answered and he smiled "Sounds nice to have a sister that wasn't insulting you, my brother always did that after both of our parents died he told me 'Kindness is a weakness and is why our idiotic father died' but... I still loved him as a brother" he stated I felt bad and patted his back "I..I'm kinda surprised you became a Hashira at such a young age" I said as I laughed a bit and he did too.

"CAW CAW TOKITO AND HARUTO YOU MUST RUN AROUND THE FOREST FOR 40 MILES THEN SPAR AND THEN DO 1000 SIT UPS AND PUSH UPS YOUR TRAINING BEGINS.... NOW!" I was shocked but ready I turn to Muichiro and he nodded as we go to where they wanted us to start running and as we approached we then started running our miles. After a few hours we went to the sparring area and grabbed the bamboo katanas and we started we went into our battle stances I breathed deeply and launch toward him "Moon Breathing 3rd form Loathsome Moon Chains!" I slash my bamboo blades as a chain of moon crescents dash toward Muichiro "Mist breathing 1st form distant cloud haze" he said and I'm and instant he vanished into mist I looked around staggering to see where he was but then remembered my training with Tegen-Sensei and I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings I hear fast movement of his footsteps I wait for them to either slow down or come to a stop. Eventually I heard his footing slow down and I turn to where I heard and struck his bamboo sword with both of my and I shove him to make him lose his balance he did a little bit but got his balance back and launched towards me trying to strike me multiple times and I parry all of them and try to manage to land strikes but he parried all of them  I breathe deeply and launch "Moon breathing 4th form: Lonesome Moonlit Sorrow" I slash and slash of blue moon crescents launch toward him he dodged it but it barely grazed him and then I launch down towards him pinning him with both of my bamboo swords meaning I was the winner, I get off of him and help him up "Now we have those p...pushups to do" he nodded and we started with our pushups


Hope you all have enjoyed! But I have a question for yall: Who do you think Zaru's love interest will be? Comment who you think (besides the person that already knows) anyway hope you all have an amazing day and I'll see you in the future chapters! (Huh not as much words as the other ones oh well 🤷🏻)

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