Best Friend's Love dilemma

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Author's Point of View

Prapai and Sky have been best friends for two years, sharing everything. However, Prapai has gained a reputation as a playboy due to certain reasons. He no longer believes in love and frequently changes his boyfriends. Despite this reputation, Prapai and Sky maintain a strong bond of friendship and trust. his friendship with Sky remains unaffected, as they continue to support and confide in each other through thick and thin.

Sky's perspective

"Pai, you changed your boyfriend again?" I asked him.

"He wasn't my type," Pai replied in his usual manner.

"Then why did you date him?" I inquired.

"You know I've never been in a relationship with one person for more than a month," he calmly replied, though I've grown accustomed to it by now.

"I don't like your boyfriends," I admitted. But after a moment, I realized how that sounded, as if I were his boyfriend.

"Are you jealous?" he asked.

"Jealous? Not at all," I replied.

"Admit it, you're jealous," he pressed on.

"Hahaha, jealous of you? Never. You know I love gun," I teased, trying to make light of it.

"Maybe you secretly love me," he whispered, getting closer.

"Never..." I created some distance and said.

"Don't lie, I'll accept you no matter what," he approached again.

"You're a playboy, you never truly love anyone," I said to him, knowing it would hurt.

"Hahaha, my best friend knows me well," he smiled and replied.

"I need your help" I redirected the conversation.

"What kind of help do you need?" he asked.

"I want gun because I love him, and he's still single," I confessed.

"Why should I help you?" he questioned.

"Because you're my best friend," I smiled and replied.

"No, no, I won't help you," he thought and said.

"Why? Are you jealous of gun? Do you love me?" I tested him.

"No, not at all," he panicked.

"Then help me," I asked again, hoping he would.

"I'll help you, but on one condition," he immediately replied.

"What?" I asked.

"Do sex with me..." He got closer, holding my hand.

"What?" I pulled away his hand.

"If you want my help, then do what I want," he said.

"Why do you want to have sex with me when you have so many boyfriends?" I questioned.

"Yes, but I'm bored of them," he casually replied.

"I will never have sex with you," I said, leaving the room.

"Fine, then forget about him," he said.

"I don't need your help, okay," I thought to myself.

He's so foolish, wanting sex with me. After that incident, he changed a lot. It's not entirely his fault; he was betrayed by his love twice. How can anyone still believe in love? I hope he finds someone special soon.

Author's Point of View

Pai has gone through painful experiences in love, including being cheated on and publicly humiliated by his first love. These incidents have deeply affected him, leading him to lose faith in romantic relationships and adopt a more casual approach.

Despite Prapai's playboy reputation, Sky remains unwavering in his friendship and support. Sky recognizes Prapai's past hurts and understands the emotional toll they have taken on him. Sky's commitment to their friendship goes beyond judgments or stereotypes, as he stands by Prapai's side, providing a source of stability and care.

After experiencing his second heartbreak, Prapai reaches a dark point in his life where he contemplates suicide. However, it is Sky who steps in and becomes a lifeline for him, preventing him from taking such a drastic step. This crucial moment strengthens the friendship between Prapai and Sky, as it demonstrates the profound level of trust and support they have for each other.

Prapai's playboy reputation is not depicted as a defining characteristic but rather a result of his past emotional trauma. Sky's unwavering support and intervention during Prapai's darkest moments emphasize the depth of their bond and the significant role they play in each other's lives..

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