Pai's Conflicting Feelings

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Pai's Point of View

"Nice outfit," I opened my eyes and saw Sky. He was dressed up in a good outfit.

"Oh, thanks for your compliment," he smiled and said.

Why is he looking so damn attractive? What is this, Pai? Don't forget you're a playboy. How can he look attractive? He's not your type.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just admiring your appearance. You're looking good today," I replied with a smile.

I think I'm looking good today...

"Don't get carried away." I got up and went to the washroom.

My heart is beating fast. Oh my god, I can't even look at him. What's going on? Why have I never noticed how attractive he is? Maybe it's because he dressed up nicely today.

Pai, I'm going to meet Gun," he said and left the room.

Finally, he's gone. I came out of the washroom and saw a message from my current boyfriend. He asked me to meet him, and I said yes. We are dating, but we spend less time together. I just wanted to ignore Sky. No, what are you thinking? I think you've gone mad.


"Why didn't you reply to me?" he asked.

"Sorry, I was a little busy..." I replied.

"Why do you look sad?" he said while pouring water.

I'm not sad, just tired...

"Oh, I thought you were sad," he replied.

"So, what's the plan for today? Let's do it," I said to him directly.

"I'm ready for anything. Let's go to my condo," he said.

We left the restaurant and reached his condo...

He closed the door and asked, "Did you bring protection?" I replied, "Yes," and moved closer to him for a kiss. But suddenly, I started remembering that night when Sky and I spent time together...

"I can't do this, sorry," I said to him.

"Hey, Pai, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, sorry, I can't do this."

"Why? Are you in love with someone?"

"No, I don't love Sky..."

"So, Sky, the Playboy finally found his Mr. Right. He's very lucky..."

I don't know what's going on in my life. My heart started beating fast when I saw him. I can't even look into his eyes. We were friends for two years, but this has never happened before. And when I was about to kiss you, I started remembering our night together, I mean, my night with Sky. I was drunk that night, so I don't remember clearly, but today, I remember everything...

"You are in love..."

"No, I don't love anyone again..."

"I know you never trust anyone again, but you have to accept that you're in love with Sky," he said.

"I don't understand. I need some time, and I'm sorry for disturbing you..."

"No problem, Pai. I'm happy that at least you found your love."

"He will never love me because I'm a playboy, and today he will meet his crush. I'm happy for him."

"As you wish. Okay, I'm going on another date."

"So, are we going to end this relationship?" I asked him.

"Yes, of course. You need time to think, and I'm sure that you love him."


Sky's Point of View

I saw him standing there, looking dashing in his white shirt and black pants. Why did he have to look even more handsome today? I gathered my courage and approached him, introducing myself as Sky. To my surprise, he immediately pulled me into a warm embrace, exclaiming how happy he was that we finally met. I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

We sat down together, and I asked him how he had been and what he had been up to these days.

"we are in the same university" I said.

"what? but I had never noticed you before, in stupid." he said.

"Let's order something," I suggested, bypassing the menu.

As we enjoyed our lunch, we engaged in a lively conversation, discussing various topics. However, I didn't dare confess my feelings to him just yet. I knew I had plenty of opportunities in the future. Before parting ways, he asked for my Instagram ID. To his surprise, he found out that I had already been following him. He followed me back and even posted pictures of us with heart emojis and the caption, "Finally met my first best friend." It was an incredibly joyful moment for me, and I couldn't help but think that maybe I was dreaming.

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