Whispers of the Heart

406 35 7

In the kitchen

"May I ask you something?" pai said to Sky.

"yes, go ahead." sky replied.

"would you like to join us too?"

"No, I have a lot of work pending in the office."

"you don't want to go with us?"

"No, you go... "

"Ok, if you don't want to go, that's fine. anyway, I will go to the village tomorrow morning"


"What are you making?"

"Yam Nua (Beef Salad) and Kway Teow (noodle soup)."

"That's my favorite food"

"You don't remember? you taught me this, I didn't even know how to cook"

"I'm sorry I don't remember."

"you have something on your hair," pai said.

"where where?" sky asked.

"let me clean." Pai approaches Skye and plucks a petal from his hair. both eyes meet.

"Can I kiss you?" sky asked.

Pai kisses him on his cheek saying "Yes."

When Pai is about to leave the kitchen, sky tells him he wants more. Both look at each other again and come closer and start kissing each other's lips. After a while, Sky feels that something is burning, so he breaks the kiss. both detached from each other.

"Ok, you cook." pai said.

"where are you going, won't you eat?"

"I am going to get ready for office. I'll come then we'll eat together."

Somchai's point of view

He asked for a kiss, and without wasting any time, I planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. As I was about to leave the kitchen, he looked at me and said he wanted more kisses. At that moment, I felt an intense surge of desire within me. I longed to feel his lips against mine. Our lips met, and a rush of emotions enveloped me.

The taste of his kiss lingered on my lips, sending shivers down my spine. There was an electric connection between us, a magnetic pull that seemed to draw us closer with every passing second. It was as if the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us immersed in this moment of raw intimacy.

My heart raced, pounding against my chest, as our lips danced in harmony. The softness of his lips, and the way his hands held me, all added to the intoxicating experience.

In that suspended moment, I realized that my attraction went beyond the physical. It was more than just a simple desire for his touch. It was a connection that stirred my soul, a deep-rooted yearning to explore the depths of this newfound emotion.

Yet, as the passionate kiss continued, the shrill sound of the ringing phone pierced through the air, abruptly breaking our kiss.

Pov end

In the office -sky's cabin

"If you don't do anything then there can be a loss to the business." the board member said.

"you can go..." Sky said.

Due to his relationship difficulties, he had forgotten his professional work and the company started incurring a lot of losses. He decided to focus on his professional work for now.

At home

"When will you go tomorrow?"

"6:00 in the morning," pai replied.

"all right..."

"I want to sleep in your room." pai said.

"ok you sleep here I will sleep in the other room." sky said.

"No, I want to sleep with you..."

"Earlier you said you want privacy." sky said.

"I don't want anymore I want to sleep with you."

"Ok, go change your clothes."

After changing clothes and having dinner both came to bed

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After changing clothes and having dinner both came to bed.

"Can I ask you something?"Skye asks Pai after some time.

"yes, sky..."

"You like Yuri?" sky questioned.

"yes, she is my best friend," pai said.

"Just best friend?"

"yes...." pai said.

"so, when did you fall in love with her?"

"she is like my sister." pai said to Sky.

"what? Don't lie." sky questioned.

"yes, she is in a relationship with someone." pai said.

Pai told everything about Yuri and her boyfriend.

"why didn't you tell me before?" sky questioned to pai.

"you never even asked." pai said and Sky started laughing at his stupid question.

"I like you." pai said to Sky.

"Did you get your memory back?" sky asked with hope.

"No, not yet, but..."

"But...? " asked to pai.

"I think I'm in love with you." pai said to Sky.

Hello Cuties!!!

Sorry for the short part, How was that part? let me know if you like it or not.

give me some votes if you enjoy it. Join me on Prapaisky's journey Next update soon

Enjoy it ❤️❤️

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