Unraveling Emotions

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Sky's Point of View:

As I entered the room, I noticed that pai was quickly closing his laptop upon seeing me. I asked him what he was doing, but he didn't respond. Is he angry with me? What did I do now? I don't care if he doesn't want to talk to me; it's his choice.

We had been going through a period of silence for several days now, and the lack of communication had taken its toll. Should I gather the courage to confront him now? Or would it be better to approach him in the morning when emotions have had a chance to settle? The internal debate continued, leaving me torn between the urge to seek answers and the fear of exacerbating the situation. Ultimately, I realized that waiting until morning might only prolong the tension, so I resolved to address the issue at hand, regardless of the outcome.

"What's wrong, Pai?" I asked him.

"Nothing, just..." he replied, sounding somewhat distant.

"Are you angry with me?" I got up from my bed and sat on his bed.

"I'm not angry with you," he replied.

"Then why are you acting like this and ignoring me?" I asked.

"Just leave me alone," he pushed me away.

"Are you mad?" I shouted at him, but he didn't respond. I approached him, only to realize that he was drunk and crying.

"Oh no, Pai, what happened? Tell me why you're crying, and why are you drunk?" I asked, concerned.

"We crossed paths again," he finally spoke.

"Who?" I asked.

"My ex was with his wife. I don't know why it hurts me. And you know, he seemed happy," he explained.

"Do you still love him?" I questioned.

"No, but I also want someone's love," he confessed.

"You'll find someone soon," I assured him.

"You know I'm unlucky," he said, locking his gaze with mine.

"No..." I was about to say something, but he kissed me.

I attempted to push him away, but my efforts proved futile. Before I knew it, we found ourselves on the bed. He gently kissed my eyes, lips, and cheek, and an inexplicable sense of pleasure washed over me.

Why couldn't I resist?

He unbuttoned my shirt and pressed his lips against my chest. Startled, I managed to push him back slightly and asked, "What are you doing?" In response, he murmured, "I'm aware of your passion for guns, but you are undeniably attractive. I can't help but be drawn to you. I promise to assist you. Within a week, he will be yours."

So, he expressed his desire for me and offered his assistance. Ah, yes, how could I forget? He was intoxicated.

Suddenly, he seized my hand and pulled me closer, causing our bodies to meet, igniting a fiery sensation between us. With his fingertips, he delicately traced the outline of my lips, deeming it a delicious appetizer. A smile formed on his face, and he kissed me. As time passed, he pressed his body against mine, and it felt like sheer bliss. Intoxicated as he was, we surrendered to our desires, undressing ourselves in the process.

Despite my attempts to resist, his grasp was too firm. I couldn't understand why I found enjoyment in this moment. I didn't love him; I loved my gun. It was merely the primal needs of my body that made me derive pleasure from it. He assured me he would support me. Your only focus is the gun.

How was this part? What do you think? Will Pai help him? Join me on the journey of PrapaiSky.

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