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Sky's point of view

I was searching for Pai, but suddenly I felt someone pulling me into a room after some time I realise that he is gun.

He started giving me kisses, I tried to stop him but he don't stop. he was continuously kissing me, and finally after many tries, I pushed him and slapped him.

"Why do you love Pai?"

"You Jerk, I was almost raped by you."

"Give me one chance, please. "

"I never love you, I don't feel comfortable with you, and what you did today I feel more uncomfortable."

"So, u don't love me again?"

"No, never, I only love Pai."

"Okay, I have something for you."

"He showed me a video of me, and his."

"What is this?"

"Our dirty romance."

"But, the video is clear that you are forcing me to kiss."

"Oh, don't be happy I will edit and upload on the internet maybe I will show it to directly pai."

"Why are you doing this?"

"You forced me to do it."

"Please, don't do this, pai will hurt after watching this."

"Sorry, but I don't have any other option." He said and leaves from the room.

I fixed myself and went to Washroom, and washed my face with water.

I saw Pai was also there, he come close to me and asked " Sky, are you okay? You are looking tired".

Yes, I'm feeling sick " I told and hugged him".

I'm with you okay?

I was very stressed about gun plan, I don't sleep for many days, and finally decided to tell him everything about a gun to pay, but will he believe me? Of course, he loves you.


I want to talk with you about something.

Yes, tell me " but suddenly he got a message from someone".

He was looking very tense, I asked him but he didn't reply, and I saw that video, gun sent to Pai.

Pai believe me, this video is not real" I told him".

Why you don't tell me about this?

I was about to tell you but.......

Stop making excuses.

I'm not saying wrong.

He don't say anything and went to bed.

I don't know why he didn't say anything, is he will break our relationship after this?

Pai ( POV)

I believe you, sky. I know it's Gun's plan, I think something is wrong with the video, probably it's edited. I'm angry with him because he doesn't need to tell me about this. he doesn't believe me? Why? You don't share everything about yourself I felt Sky's arms he hugged me from back, I felt something wet on my shoulder, he is crying.

Please, don't ignore me, talk with me.

Sky, are you crying?


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