Finally together

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In morning

I opened my eyes, and I realise that Pai is not in the room, I searched everywhere but he was not, in the room, Not even in the washroom.

I got up and opened our wardrobe, his clothes were not there, I was Panicked, I don't know what to do, where is he?, I picked up my phone and started calling him, but he was not replying to my calls, why are you ignoring me? what did I do? I don't understand why he was not replying to my calls, he is angry with me. Tell me pai, I don't want to lose you, please don't leave me. I called him many times but he don't replied me.

I saw his message on paper

I know you will hate me, But it's very good for everyone, honestly saying I love you, just realize late, I think it's too late, I don't want you to know that I love you because I don't want to lose you but I have to accept that you are in a relationship with someone, and I don't have right on you.

I thought I will move on but it's hard for me, whenever I saw you I can't control my feelings, even knowing you love someone else. And I don't deserve you, I'm Playboy.
You should focus on your gun, you always seduce me, go and seduce your boyfriend. I will support you, always, but I'm going for now, I want to achieve many things in my life. all the best for your life.

My eyes filled with water, I don't know where you are, but I will find you, don't run away from me, why did you confess you're love on paper, you decide without knowing my answer, you are totally stupid, No, I don't lose you.

I started my car and started finding him, I reached our favorite place but he was also not there, I searched for him everywhere, how you forgot it's not any drama, it's reality. I reached the condo and saw the door was already open, I thought I forgot to close it, I entered the room, shocked, he was pai, I'm not dreaming? I go close to him and hugged him tightly.

I hate you pai, how you think about leaving me, don't leave me again, you know I was for searching you all day.

"Sorry, sky, I'm sorry"

"Tell me what was that?"


"Your one side love letter," I said.

"I don't know about that letter......"

"Don't lie, it was your writing."

"If I will tell you that letter was really from me, will you break our friendship?"

"You stupid boy, why I will break our friendship."

"Thank you, sky for respecting my feelings. By the way, I saw something, I know you will don't believe me ."

"What pai?"

"Amm m"

"Tell me what you want to say, I will believe you."

"I saw a gun with a girl when I was leaving Thailand. I thought they are friends, but after noticing them, it looks like they are lovers. So, I decided to cancel my plan.

I don't want to come between you too. But u are my best friend, I give you advice, that, break up with him. I think he is cheating on you."

"I believe you pai, I believe you blindly,
I know he was cheating on me from the first day."

'What? So, why you are in a relationship with him."

"I think he is planning something big, I have some proof but it's not enough."

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