Unexpected Feelings

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Sky's Point of View:

I can't believe I forgot about him. We were such good friends. I moved to another country because of my parents' work, and we used to have so much fun together. He asked me to meet him yesterday, and I'm really excited. Finally, I'll get to see my love.

"You know, he was my friend, and we've known each other for many years," I told him with excitement.

"Really? I'm happy for you," he replied, smiling.

"Yes, yesterday he asked me to meet," I said.

"Oh, that's nice. Then go meet him," he encouraged me.

"I still need your help. Please help me one last time. I don't know how to interact with him because it's my first time," I said, making innocent faces.

"How can I help you?" he asked.

"Let's teach me how to propose to someone," I said to him.


The first impression is crucial. Be yourself, dress well, maintain good posture, and make eye contact. Start by being his friend and then take the next step. If he's comfortable, start talking about the old days. Remember, no secrets. Gradually start physical contact with him. Try to be close to him. If he responds positively, it means he also loves you. Find a good chance and express your feelings.

"Wow, you know these things very well," I said, smiling and hugging him.

"Okay, now I'm going to sleep," he said.

"Pai, I appreciate your help, but I'm still feeling quite nervous. Could we practice the proposal together?" I asked, feeling anxious.

"Of course, Sky! It'll help you. Take a seat," he said, being supportive.

I sat down on the couch across from Pai.

Remember, Sky, the key to a successful proposal is being genuine and expressing your feelings from the heart. So, take a deep breath, relax, and imagine you're speaking to Gun.

"Okay, I'll try," I said with confidence.

Great. Let's begin. Start by making eye contact and speaking with a calm and confident voice. Look into my eyes as if they were Gun's.

I looked into Pai's eyes...

"Gun, from the first moment I saw you, I was captivated by your beauty and grace," I said, trying to emulate a genuine proposal.

"That's a good start, Sky," Pai said, smiling.

"I fell in love with you two years ago. I had no idea that we were friends in the past. I always wanted to talk to you, but I never had the courage. I want to confess my feelings. I like you. I can't imagine my future without you. So, Gun, will you do me the honor of being my partner in this journey called life?" I expressed my feelings.

"Wonderful, Sky," Pai said, touched by my words.

"Thank you, Pai. Your support means the world to me. I feel more prepared now," I said gratefully.

We shared a heartfelt moment of support and encouragement.

Pai's Point of View

I'm happy for Sky. Finally, he will meet his first love, and I played a role in making it happen. I'm genuinely happy for him.

But when he looked into my eyes, I don't know why I felt shy, and my heart started beating fast. Are you going mad, Pai? Don't forget you're a playboy who never falls in love with anyone. He's just a friend. Don't forget that.

How was this part? Is Pai starting to fall for Sky?

Join me on the journey of PrapaiSky.

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