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I told him, "Now leave me ."

I close my eyes as he starts to get closer to me and gently pushes me into the bed. My lips received a gentle kiss from him. I try to grip his shirt collar to stop him, but I end up kissing him. He unbuttons my shirt and starts giving me kisses once more, but this time he kisses my neck, making me feel hot and pleased. He unbuttoned the top button of my shirt. I halt him and put distance between us.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said to Sky.

"Please accept my apologies."

"Why are you bothering me so much?"

He said while buttoning his shirt, "I'm, really sorry."

"I'm exhausted; tell me where my room is."

"you will also live in this room"

"This farmhouse is large, you don't have any further rooms."

"Remember, you're my husband, and we're going to live together."

"We are not married yet, so, stop calling husband."

"pai, why are you doing this to me, try to remember."

"Stop, give me my room because I want some privacy."

"Okay if you are not comfortable then you can stay in this room, I will live in another room."

He said and leaves from the room. How can you love him pai? He is always crying like a stupid child.

In morning

"where are you going? today is Sunday."

"I'm going to meet my friend."

"Okay, when will you come?" he asked.

"Why are you asking too many questions?"

"I'm sorry, I'm scared you will change your mind...." he said to me.
Phone buzzed

"Hello, wait I'm coming. I said to Yuri."

I don't know why I didn't tell him that I was going to meet Yuri. Perhaps it's because I didn't want him to get hurt again. I don't like seeing him cry.

At night

I was doing some important work in my room when I heard a woman's voice. Sky told me not to come out. He went to meet that woman. Does he have a girlfriend? I don't understand why he didn't want me to come out. I don't care what he does.

It has been an hour, and he is still talking to that girl. I don't know why, but it's bothering me so much.

"Who was she?" I asked.

"friend and new business partner."


"Why did you ask?"

"aaa mmmm just....."

"Are you jealous?"

"of course, not"


He came close to me and pinned me against the wall.

Author's pov

Both of them were looking at each other and were lost in the moment. Soon their lips touched, sending them into a different world of emotions where there was only pleasure.

They started struggling to breathe and thought to break the kiss but the desire inside them, just made it deeper. They started sucking each other's lips and tried to enter into their mouth. Pai was moaning into the kiss. The sky was taking it wild and sucked his tongue.

"plz sky.... " pai said

Before he could complete his sentence, sky crashed his lips on his soft and juicy ones. Both of them responded equally while pai roamed his fingers on his chest and abs through his shirt.

They broke the kiss and looked into each other eyes again. This time they could see the permission that they wanted to proceed without any delay.

sky hands moved towards Pai's shirt and open the few buttons of it, He removes the pai shirt from his shoulders.

Pai removed Sky's blazer and started opening his shirt buttons. he was halfway done when he broke their long 20 minutes. He opened all the buttons of his shirt while bent his face against pai neck and started lying close to his nose there while his hands were trailing on his sensitive area Both of their bodies were burning and were ready to become wild and turn them crazy.

As soon as Sky's hands open pair's pent. Pai was sucking his chest while sky hands were ruffling his hair. sky was moaning his name, encouraging him to do it. Hearing his name from Sky's mouth, made him want more of him.

Sky took Pai's lips and claims them harshly. he bit and sucked them, making pai moan while Sky just smiled into the kiss.

pai broke the kiss and showed him his fingers and circled it on Sky's jeans, above his dick. Pai unbuttoned his jeans and slid them and looked at Sky's dick. It was ready to pop out as soon as the last piece of cloth gets undone.

The sexual tension and desire were increasing with every passing moment. Pai slid Sky's underwear.

Pai rubbing near sky wet spot. He teased him for a while before entering him. When pai was about to enter the hole, his cell started ringing. His phone was continuously ringing He ignored it and entered inside the hole.

both of them moan each other's name.

In morning

The sun peeks through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. PAI opens his eyes, realizing he hugged sky.

"Good morning, love." sky said.

PAI pulls himself away, creating a small distance between them.

"I... I don't know how to feel. You love me, But, I don't remember anything about my past life." pai said.

Sky reaches out, attempting to bridge the gap between them.

I understand, but I want you to know that my love for you is unwavering. I'll be patient till your memory comes back

PAI searches his eyes, hoping to find clarity within their depths. he takes a moment to gather his thoughts.

"I want to understand, but I need time to figure out my own heart. Can you give me that?" pai said.

"Of course, Pai. Take all the time you need. I'll be here, patiently waiting."

In office

What do I truly feel? Can I open myself up to love? ( pai in mind)

Somchaii I have something important to discuss," Yuri said

"Alright, Yuri. Let's meet after the office.


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