break up with gun

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"break up with him," he said to me.


"Why you can't do this simple thing?"

"you know the reason."

"But, what's the connection between your relationship and his secret?"

"I think he wants something from me."

"Okay, if he wants something from you, so, why you don't break up with him and show him that video."

"Are you mad? I need to know more about it, what is his next plan and I don't have any strong proof."

"I know you still love him, that's why you are making excuses."

"No, I don't love him........"

"why you said, you will do whatever I will say."

"I'm sorry, but......"

"Okay, I can understand."

"What are you thinking about ?"

"Nothing," he said.

"Tell me, what are you thinking?"

"it's better if we just stay friends,"  he said.

"I love you, please believe me."

"Think about it again" He left the room.

"You are only jealous of him, u don't care about me, I hate you and I also don't care about you and never show your face," I told to Said him

After some time, I feels very guilty, after fighting with him, I called him, but he don't reply to me, I tried many times but he don't respond, I think he wants my attention, go to hell, I don't care about you.

At night

I looked at the clock it was showing 11:30 pm
I started worried about pai, he was not replying to my calls. I opened my door and leaves from the condo in search of him, I got a call from him.

Hello, sir, please pick him up from XYZ club, he was saying your name for many hours.

Okay, thanks for calling.

I reached XYZ club, and he was drunk, I told him to go with me, but he was not listening to me, and he got up from the table and goes close to someone, and started dancing. He was dancing with someone, I don't know who is he, maybe one of his ex but after some time, it's feels like he was uncomfortable. I goes close to him and pulled him towards myself and said to him "He is Mine, only mine, he is my boyfriend, leave him alone."

"Lucky boy, I'm jealous of you," he said, this made me proud.

I bring him, from the club, and give him lemon and water.

He drinks and lay on the bed.

"Why are you drinking too much?"
I slept next to him and said.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, I know it's my fault, I told you I will do anything you want but I break my promise. Pai, I'm sorry, I will end my relationship with him promise."



"Sky,".he said and hugged.

"I also hugged him back yes, we will officially be in a relationship from tomorrow."

"I don't want to wait anymore."

We hugged each other.

"I think you should take a shower."

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