History repeat

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Authors' point of view

Sky brought Pai to the same mountain where they had been separated. This was the place where Pai had lost his memory. Sky turned to his crew member, determination etched on his face, and said, "We need to recreate the same history that happened five years ago, but this time, I will take Pai's place, and he will take mine."

"Have you been here before?" pai questioned.


"This place is beautiful," pai said to Sky.

Sky and Pai found themselves during a tranquil moment, captivated by the beauty of their surroundings. However, their peaceful reverie was abruptly shattered as they noticed a group approaching them.

As the gang drew nearer, their demeanor turned threatening, and their words filled the air with warnings and hostility.

With trepidation evident in their voice, Pai turned to Sky, seeking answers in the face of impending danger. "Who are they?" he queried, hoping for some insight. Sky, despite their confusion, offered a tentative response, suggesting that these intruders could be enemies of the opponent company.

In a hurry to save their lives, they quickly headed toward the waiting car. However, in the chaos, Skye intentionally frees his hand from Pie. He signaled for Pai to get into the car with them.

Once Pai settled inside, a flood of memories and thoughts overwhelmed them, reminding them of the events that had led them to this critical moment. Every detail, decision, and feeling came rushing back, swirling around in Pai's mind.

As he tried to make sense of all these memories, sudden violence erupted outside.

At that moment, time seemed to slow down. Sky's heart sank as he realized that fate had dealt him a cruel hand. He was wearing a bulletproof vest, but his luck had run out. The bullet tore through the protective layer, finding its mark. Pain seared through Sky's body, and he knew his time was running out.

At hospital

After reaching the hospital, the doctor delivered a devastating prognosis - Sky was not expected to survive.
Pai's heart sank upon hearing the doctor's somber words. Hitting him with an overwhelming force that made it hard to breathe. Every passing moment filename, as if time itself had slowed down.

After 3 hour

Pai, with determined eyes and a heart full of love, approached Sky's bedside. Their hand shook as they gently held Sky's hand. It was a desperate gesture, silently begging for some unseen power to come and defy the terrible fate that awaited them.

And then, something extraordinary happened, like a scene from a magical story. A surge of energy, a spark of life, flowed through Sky's frail body. It was as if Pai's touch had breathed new life into him. The room crackled with a renewed energy, and hope filled the air, connecting their souls.

Tears filled their eyes, but this time they were not tears of sadness. They were tears of wonder, gratitude, and immense relief. Emotions overwhelmed them, creating a chorus of joy and disbelief that echoed through their entire beings. It was a moment that defied logic, surpassing what science and medicine could explain.

I apologize for the short part.

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The next part soon

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