He Is Mine

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Somchai's point of view

We heard the doorbell ring. I told Yuri to open the door, and she stood up and did so. After a while, she began calling him boss, I realized he is the same boy.

He began to inquire about pai. I chose to ignore him because she will handle him alone.

As I expected, she assured him she didn't know anything about Pai.

He walks back from our condo. I came out of the room to say thank you to Yuri. We heard his voice again.

I goes back to the room, and he stated that he had forgotten his phone, and he again inquired about the pai he doubted us because he heard my voice.

He forces his way inside. I decided to approach him.

He hugged me tightly when I came out. Hugs were magical and warm. His perfume was mingled into my body, and I still smell like him.

I pushed him thinking he was coming to kill me.

I don't why I told him Yuri is my wife. Why did I get upset when I told him?

He didn't believe us at first, but after a while, he apologized to us.

I warned him not to make the same mistake again. He did not respond to me and left the condo. How impolite he was.


"Give me information about this girl," While displaying Yuri, I told a staff member.

"All right, sir," the staff person said.

After some time, a staff member handed me her profile. I viewed her profile and she seemed to be talented. I was astonished when I discovered her marital status. If she is unmarried, how come they claim to be a couple? Why did they keep it hidden from me?

I instructed a member of my staff to provide information about Somchai.


"Sir, he is from Village, and he has no family." We don't have any information on where he is exactly from. A villager claimed that he lost his memory five years ago.
He is still unmarried." he said to me.

"All right, you may go now," I said.

"one more thing, he applied to our company, but we rejected him due to his mental health."

"Who are you to reject him? "Do you know who he is?"

"I apologize, sir."

"What sorry ?" Send him a letter of acceptance."

"However, he is unsuitable for this position."

"You know more than me?"

"No, sir"

"Then go ahead and send him a joining letter today and tell him he can join the company tomorrow ."

I finally met my love, I don't know how to react. He returned as he had promised. Tears welled up in my eyes when I thought of Pai. Yes, I will meet him again tomorrow. I believe that I am the happiest person in the universe at the moment. What if he doesn't have feelings for me anymore? What if he has feelings for Yuri? Never mind, he only loves me, but, if they are really in love? No, I'm sorry Yuri, pai is mine. I will never give up. If both of you are in a relationship. I would do anything to make him mine. everything is fair in love and war. Why am I so toxic? Fuck. I'm insane.

Somchai's point of view

Finally, I received a joining letter, but they had previously rejected me. I informed Yuri about my job letter she was happy yet a bit sad. I didn't ask her why she was upset since I knew why. She doesn't want me to meet that jerk. Don't be sad because I will never leave you. You were always there for me in any scenario.



it was 11 o'clock When I opened my eyes, I was unaware of this. how stupid are you? But I still have many times.

I got out of bed and went to work.

After looking everywhere I realized that he has not come yet. Why? I beg you, don't do this to me. You know my enthusiasm.

When I arrived at my office cabin, I spoke to a staff member about Somchai. He said, "Sir, he has gone on a break."

Sky gaze follows pai as he engages with colleagues and handles their responsibilities.

It's been five years since we were together. The memories of our relationship still linger in my heart, but it seems like I'm nothing more than a stranger to him now. I wish I could find a way to reconnect, to remind him of the love we once shared.

I reminisce about the beautiful moments we had together, our laughter, and the deep connection we once had. However, a cloud of sadness hovers over my thoughts he doesn't remember our past.

1 month later

It's been a month since he started working here. I secretly watch him every day. I'm glad at least I can see him.

whenever I saw Yuri and Pai together, it makes me unhappy. I always tried to ignore their closeness but in the office, Everyone talks about Somchai and Yuri. Even they give a couple of names Yuchai.

Other staff says that they are dating. Someone has stated that they are in a loving relationship. Someone stated that they are married.

I disregarded everything because, I believe him, he will never assign my place to anybody else


"I'll do anything, please don't fire Yuri."

"Are you sure?" he asked me.

"Yes," I said to him.

"think again"

"I'm sure," I said.

"Marry me," he said to me that was so straightforward.

"What are you mad?" I told him while pointing One finger.

"Forget it, I know you can't do that."

"I will marry you," I said.

(Words- 1004)
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