My bodyguard

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"Are you all right?"Pai was intrigued.

"Yes, but I missed you pai, I love you pai, and I can't imagine living without you." I squeezed him even tighter.

"Let's go with me."

"I'm afraid of my father; I'm afraid he'll kill us."

"Don't worry, I'll never let go of your hand."

We decided to run away in the morning because we missed the last train.

We kissed for 10 minutes before he interrupted our kiss.

"I told him I wanted more since I missed you so much," I said.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Love you, and I also missed you."

"I want some food," I said.

"All right, I'll bring it for you."

He went to get some food, but I was seized by my Father's bodyguard.

Pai's perspective

He told me to bring food, so I went to get it, but when I returned, I couldn't find him; had he abandoned me? But then I noticed his watch on the floor; no, he hasn't abandoned me; he has been kidnapped by his father's bodyguard. I'm at a loss for what to do next; I was worried about him.
I decided to go to his house.
When I arrived at his residence, it was surrounded by bodyguards. One of them stated, "The boss wants a new personal bodyguard for his son Sky, he tried to run away once more. boss was furious with us."

Yes, now have the opportunity to meet Sky. I'll apply to be his bodyguard. I made a fake profile and resume. I eventually got approval after two days. He picked me.


His father introduced me to him.

"He is your bodyguard; he will always be with you and focus on your engagement; there are only three days left." I will not forgive you if you run again." His father said as he exited the room.

He grabbed me hard, and I replied, "Control  sky, they will doubt us."

" I thought you'd never return to save me.

"Sorry, sky, I know I'm a little late, but believe me, from now on, I will never leave."

"Don't say sorry or anything, I only need you, now you're with me," he pulled me against the wall and kissed my neck, and opened the first button on my shirt.

"I told you to control yourself," I murmured, separating myself from him.

He kissed my lips, and I also wanted to kiss him, but the location and situation were both inappropriate, so I replied, "Please stop for now, if you want to go back with me."

"Now, tell me, what is your next plan?" he asked.

"the safety of your home is very strong " I'm in a bad spot right now, and I don't have a strategy."

"Please do something, my engagement is coming up soon."

"Give me one day to think about this," he said.

"I'm leaving because your father is calling," I told him.

The scene has changed.

"You are his bodyguard from today, he is very innocent and we don't want him to lose, I don't know whom he loves, but I know he loves a boy, he tried to run away many times because of that boy, look him and notify me if you find anything wrong," his father said to me.

"All right, sir, I'll always be with him and make sure he doesn't run away again."

"Go look at him; your room is next to his, so you'll always look at him."

omg, I'm sure I'm dreaming, our rooms are just next to each other. I am overjoyed and overjoyed. His father instructed me to return and look. I went up to his door and knocked, he was writing something in his diary, he got up, opened the door, held me fiercely, closed the door, and hugged me again.

"You know Sky, my room is right next to yours, your father wants me to keep an eye on you 24 hours, oh my father-in-law gives me permission."


He shuts off the light and pushes me onto his bed, where he begins to give me intense kisses. Not wanting to stop him, I instantly opened his clothes and kissed everywhere. I pressed my palm on his mouth and began kissing his neck.

he was already wet. I stroked his dick, then put his dick in my mouth and sucked it top, he was having fun.

"I'm coming, pai."

Because of him, my face is now dirty. I began leaking once more.

Aahh, pai, you're dirty now. Please wash your face.

"You know, Sky, my mom always tells me to drink milk, but I don't want to because I don't like milk, but I like your milk, so I'll drink all of it."

I'm feeling shy...

You will never be shy again.

"Aah aa suuuuuu, I can't stop myself."

He pushed me back and attempted to insert his dick into my hole with his hand.

"Today I will be on top, and you will be on the bottom." sky said.

I don't say anything because I have lost control. He eventually got it inside my hole.
And began rubbing up and down.

Do you like it, aa?" sky asked.

It's too soft...." I replied.

"Can I boost my speed?"

He said this and began going up and down more quickly.

"Aahh aaa suuuu aa sky, I think we should stop, because everyone will be awake after hearing our wild session."

I think you are right; before leaving this room, go to the bathroom and wash yourself.

No, I'm fine.....

He lifted me from his bed and went to the bathroom, where he closed the door and placed me in the bathtub.
I headed to my room after taking a bath.

Hello, Cuties!
How was this part? It's sexy or not? Hahaha


"Are you going to choose a ring for her?" I asked.

"Tell me she will like this ring?" sky asked.

"you fall for her?"

"Don't ignore my question" he said.

"no, you only love me right?"

"Sorry, pai forget me, she is very beautiful and I think I'm in love with her."

"no no noooooooo"

Words -1065
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