Tangled Emotions

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Somchai's point of view

Today, she asked to meet me, and I could sense her tension. As Yuri expressed her concerns about her parents wanting to meet her, I understood her inner conflict. It seemed she had never been far away from her parents before, and their request had left her unsure of what to do. I reassured her that her parents missed her and suggested that she prioritize thinking about them.

Yuri seemed relieved by my answer, but I could tell she still had hesitation. She asked if I would accompany her as she was afraid to travel alone, and I agreed without hesitation. I had promised her parents that I would never leave her alone, and I intended to keep that promise. However, I needed to seek permission from Sky, as our plans might affect our arrangements.

As our conversation continued, Yuri mentioned hearing rumors about me and my boss living together. Surprised by her knowledge, I inquired how she found out. Yuri explained that someone had been gossiping about us, and it seemed the news had spread.

Living room - day

Author's pov

Pai sits on the couch, engrossed in his thoughts. Sky enters the room.

"Are you free today?" sky asked.

"Hmmm..." hesitant.

"Okay, we will go to the party within 20 minutes." SKY smiled and said.

Pai looks surprised by the sudden announcement.

"What, only 20 minutes?"pai confused.

"Yes..." Sky nods.

"I don't have clothes to attend the party." worried.

"No worries! I have a collection of good clothes. Take a look and select something you like."


Pai selects an outfit and gets ready.

Party venue - night

Pai looked at Sky talking to a lady, and he felt sad and upset. He was jealous because he wanted Sky's attention for himself. Later, when the announcement of a couple's dance competition was made at the party, Pai's anger didn't go away. He watched as Sky walked towards him, holding out his hand in a romantic way.

"Will you be my dance partner?"

When Sky came closer, Pai felt a mix of emotions. He took a deep breath and reluctantly reached out, accepting Sky's hand.

"Okay, let's dance," Pai said with a smile.

They start moving their bodies to the music.

"Why does it feel like I've done this dance before?" pai asked (curiously)

"Don't you remember? We danced to the same song when we officially became boyfriends?" ( softly)

"I don't remember, but I usually had a vision, but, That was a blur."

"Don't put too much pressure on your mind. I am sure you will remember soon."

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