Gun's Truth

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Sky's point of view

I opened my eyes and found myself on Pai's chest. He hugged me tightly, and I tried to move, but his grip was strong. I softly started caressing his face with my hand. He looked so attractive, with his soft lips, beautiful eyes, and cheeks. I leaned in and kissed his forehead. He opened his eyes and looked at me, and I immediately pulled away, covering my body with a blanket, and rushed to the washroom.

I didn't know how he would react, but he had said he loved me. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to reject him. He had already gone through so much. I took a shower and changed my clothes.

"I want to talk to you about last night..."

"Sky, I don't want to talk about last night. Let me go," Pai said.

"But you said you love me."

"Love? What is love? I fall in love with you? Are you kidding? Never. You and I, I don't remember anything about last night. Forget about last night. I was drunk, so I don't know what I said to you."

"You don't remember?" I approached him closely and asked.

"No, I don't remember. I'm sorry for last night."

"We had sex again. Don't you remember?"

"You know, I'm used to it. Sexual things are normal for me. Don't think too much about it."

"It's not normal for me..."

"What do you want from me then? Okay, I'll move to another condo. Are you happy now?" He said and left the room.

Pai's POV

I don't want to lose you. I don't have anyone else but you. I know you never loved me. It's better for everyone that way. I don't want you to suffer because of me. I remember everything about last night, from my confession to your consent for sex. But I also know how much you love Gun. I don't want to come between you and Gun. Your happiness is my happiness. I will always be with you, no matter whom you choose as your life partner. I know I don't deserve you, a playboy like me. If he finds out that I love him, he will break our friendship. So, I've decided to hide my feelings for him.

Sky's POV

Why was he talking to me like that? He said he didn't remember anything about last night, but I don't think he was telling the truth. I saw love for me in his eyes last night. I know you were lying. Wait, why do you want him to love you? Maybe you also love him. I don't understand anything anymore, but I enjoy spending time with Pai. No, don't forget, you only love Gun, not Pai. Maybe Pai does these things with everyone. He said it's normal for him. Stop thinking about Pai. Don't think about him. Your focus should only be on Gun. You love Gun.

At School

"Sky, I need to talk to you..."

"Gun, I also want to talk to you."

"Do you want to grab something to eat?"

"No, but I want a cold drink."

"Let's get a cold drink," Gun said and ordered.

"Tell me what you want to talk about," I asked him.

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