The End

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Pai's parents locked them in the room and told them to enjoy the beautiful night. while they went outside, assuring that no one would disturb them. Upon hearing their parents' words, both of them felt shy.

Sky gave Pai a hot kiss on his neck, but Pai stopped him due to concerns about his health. Pai asked, "What are you doing? You're still sick."

Sky mischievously replied, "I'm giving you the award."

"You still haven't fully recovered," Pai said to Sky, concern lacing his words. Sky's heart swelled with gratitude as he looked into Pai's eyes, realizing the depth of their connection. Pai could hear the rapid thumping of Sky's heartbeat, indicating the mix of fear and anticipation that coursed through him.

"I don't want to hurt you, please understand," Pai pleaded, his voice filled with a mixture of love and caution.

"I want to give you the award you deserve. I need you, and I can't wait any longer."

"Can we wait until you're fully recovered?

"No, Pai, I have recovered enough," Sky assured him earnestly.

Pai felt a surge of conflicting emotions-desire, love, and the fear of inadvertently hurting the one he cherished. But the unwavering trust in Sky's words resonated deeply within him.

Both of them leaned forward slowly, and their lips touched. They kissed each other passionately, and soon the kiss turned wild. They sucked each other's lips. Taking the opportunity, Pai entered his tongue into Sky's mouth and tasted every corner.

Sky suddenly stopped responding to the kiss, and Pai realized that he was still not fully recovered.

"I told you that you're not fully recovered," Pai said to Sky.

"I'm sorry, Pai. I lied because I needed you," Sky replied, their voice filled with remorse.

"Look, you can't push yourself like this."

"Pai, I'm sorry. I know you're worried about me," Sky admitted, his voice filled with sincerity.

Pai embraced Sky tightly, pulling him close and planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. "We have our whole lives ahead of us," Pai whispered.

"I love you, hubby, "Sky declared with deep affection.

"I love you too, my wife," pai replied, his voice filled with love and tenderness.

After 10 years

Today is our 10th wedding anniversary," Sky said to pai.

"I know, wife, I was just kidding," Pai replied.

"You're a liar. You don't remember our anniversary," Sky said.

"Believe me," Pai said.

"I hate you," Sky replied.

"Okay, then you don't want your surprise," Pai said.

"What? A surprise?" Sky asked.

"Yes, I remember our anniversary. I just wanted to give you a surprise."

They arrived at a beautiful restaurant where everyone had gathered to celebrate Pai and Sky's 10th wedding anniversary. Sky was surprised and felt guilty. He had thought Pai had forgotten, but Pai had planned a surprise.

Later, in their room...

"I'm sorry, Pai. I thought you had forgotten about our wedding anniversary," Sky said.

"You said you hate me," Pai asked.

"I was angry. Please forgive me," Sky said.

"No, I will not forgive you," Pai said.

"Really?" Sky asked.

"Yes," Pai said.

"Are you sure?" he said, coming closer.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just trying to say sorry to my husband."

Sky moved closer to Pai, pushing him onto the bed, and kissed him. After ten minutes of kissing, Sky broke the kiss and moved down, opening pai's pants and placing his hand inside, starting to rub his penis.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me," Sky said.

"Aah, Sky... Aa... I already forgave you," Pai said.

"You're not mad at me?" Sky asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Pai gazed deeply into Sky's eyes, a tender smile playing on his lips. "No, my love, I'm not mad at you," Pai replied, his voice laced with affection.


"How could anyone be mad at their incredibly hot and loving wife? I was just teasing you, my dear."

Relief washed over Sky's face as he let out a sigh. They both felt a rush of warmth and love, and they leaned in, kissing each other passionately and with longing. Their intense emotions overwhelmed them, unleashing a strong and untamed desire that had been building up inside.

Their clothes quickly found their way to the floor. The room filled with sounds of pleasure.

The end ❤️

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