Marriage Proposal

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I was lying on the bed, my best friend Rain called me. he asked me for dinner. I decided to go.


"Sorry, for being late" Rain stated while taking a seat.

"I also came 5 minutes ago," I said to him.

we had a great talk. He again told me to move on from pai, and leave, happy life with a suitable partner. they don't know that pai is still alive. Not even my parents, I meant Pai's parents. I want to give them a surprise directly when he recalls me.

"If you were in my place will you move on from Payu?'' I asked him.


''Then never say this line again,'' I said, he noted.

I told him to wait for me I am going to pee. when I got up and turned round I saw pai with Yuri. They were seating together and laughing when I saw something which brokers my heart. They were coming close for a kiss but suddenly someone comes between them and slapped pai. I decided to go there but I saw pai, he hold Yuri's hand and went from the restaurant. My brain stops working, thinking of them together. why? god, why? I told Rain to return home. my heart is broken into million pieces. I locked myself in the room. I need some time to accept this bitter reality. No, I can't give up easily, he only belongs to me. I promised myself that I will do anything to make pai mine. sorry, Yuri I know I'm wrong. I know he only loves me, he just forgets his memory. I will recall him soon.

Somchai's point of view

Yuri finally found her true love. she meets May in the office and falls in love with him. They use to spend time together. but suddenly may start ignoring her. She told me about this, I thought to find out, why he is ignoring Yuri. I saw him one day in the bar he was taking Yuri's name.

he was saying that he want to marry her, not anyone else. he doesn't dare to fight for love.

I told everything to Yuri about the situation. we made a plan to give him the courage to fight for love. We started Acting like a fake couple in May's eyes, eventually, our plan works, he finally accepted his feelings, and he said to Yuri that he will fight for their love. now, Now they are living together. finally, I got my privacy.


I got a mail, it's Yuri's mail. She shifted to his boyfriend's condo but not completely. all stuff is still in my condo. I opened her mail, and they fired her without any reason, it was her dream to work in this company, and they did this to her without any reason. I reached out to the company and asked senior staff why they did this, he said that his boss ordered this. I rushed inside the office of that arrogant boy's office.

I asked him ''why he did fire her.''

He said that ''we lied to him about their relationship.''

''why you fired her only?''

''because you are the owner of this company,'' he said.

''what?'' I asked him

''yes, you belong to me, your thing is my thing, my thing is yours."

''I'm requesting to you please fire me instead of YURI.'' I requested.

''Sorry,'' he said.

"I'll do anything, please don't fire Yuri."

"Are you sure?" he asked me.

"Yes," I said to him.

"think again"

"I'm sure," I said.

"Marry me Mr. Somchai, be my husband," he said to me that was so straightforward.

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