5 months later-In an unknown location-
'I want you to do something for me' says Zameer
'I am listening' says Lorenzo
'I want to take over my father's position now' says Zameer
'And what do you want me to do about it?' asks Lorenzo
'I want your permission for it, so that I take over his position. And I hope you don't any problem with it' says Zameer
'Do you think you are powerful enough to take his position? Do you think you can rule an army on your own?' asks Lorenzo
'Yes, I am sure' says Zameer
'But I am not. I don't think you are ready for it right now' says Lorenzo
'Why not Lorenzo, I think he is great in his work and he is the one to take over his father's position, now or later. He has to take over it one day' says Maxine
'Yes, I agree with him' says Christian
'Me too' says Guzaro
'I don't care about your opinions, I am the king. I will decide what to do and what not to do' says Lorenzo
'You can't do that' says Maxine
'I can do anything I want. But if you all are insisting so much then, Zameer I give a month to you to prove yourself. If I find you worthy enough for the position then it will be yours then if not worthy enough then you will not get your father's position. Keep that in mind Zameer' says Lorenzo
'Okay, don't worry I will prove myself to you' says Zameer and they all leave from there
'Do you really want to give Zameer his father's position?' asks Michel
'Nope, never. But all of them are together and against me. They all are playing together so that they can make me agree to their demands, but I won't let them do it!' says Lorenzo
'You are right boss. But you still have him a chance' says Michel
'Yes, I am testing him Michel' says Lorenzo
Few hours later-
Lorenzo's room-'Hey' says Lorenzo but Arlyn doesn't responds
'Are you still angry with me?' asks Lorenzo
'No, no. I was just thinking about something' says Arlyn
'And what were you thinking about?' asks Lorenzo
'Last week some unknown people came into one of my warehouse and according to my men they stole some goods but I am not able to understand what? Because I have counted all the goods twice by myself, everything is in place, nothing has been stolen. So I am wondering what did they stole?!' says Arlyn
'That means they went empty handed!' says Lorenzo
'What do you mean?' asks Arlyn
'That this was just a warning before an attack. The person who planned all this just gave you a warning Arlyn, so that you must be ready to fight back' says Lorenzo
'Omg, yes you can be right. Why didn't I thought of this? You are genius!' says Arlyn
'I know' says Lorenzo
'Thank you for helping me' says Arlyn
'My pleasure!' says Lorenzo
'Lorenzo, it's been 5 months now we are married, and we still didn't go on honeymoon' says Arlyn
'You wanna go on honeymoon?' asks Lorenzo
'Yes, doesn't everyone goes on one. Shouldn't we go too;as in a vacation too' says Arlyn
'Where do you wanna go?' asks Lorenzo
'Vegas' says Arlyn
'I always wanted to go there. At least for a day; I heard Vegas is so damn beautiful place for a vacation and honeymoon too. We will roam each and every damn place in vegas' says Arlyn
'Fine, we shall go one day. I promise' says Lorenzo
'Not now?' asks Arlyn
'In a few months, I don't think it would be possible. I have got some new problems on me to handle' says Lorenzo
'As in?' asks Arlyn
'Zameer wants to take over his father's position and become an Ace' says Lorenzo
'And you agreed on it?' asks Arlyn
'I gave him a month to prove himself' says Lorenzo
'Do you think he is capable?' asks Arlyn
'No, of course not. I think he is doing all this on the orders of other ace's. Because he is young, innocent and I don't think that he will want to enter a world like this' says Lorenzo
'You are right' says Arlyn
'By the way I wanted to tell you that I am going to L.A for 2 weeks, I will be leaving tomorrow morning' says Lorenzo
'For work?' asks Arlyn
'Of course, what else' says Lorenzo
'Who knows that you might be cheating on me and have a women for you there' says Arlyn winking
'Never, I had never cheat on you with anyone. You are my everything and my forever love Ari' says Lorenzo
'Ahh, i see. Okay; but what if you ever has to choose between your throne and me. What would you do then? What would you choose?' asks Arlyn
'Is that question even worthy for you to ask me. Of course I had choose you over anything. I had never leave you and go. I will keep you happy always' says Lorenzo
'You promise to stay always with me and keep me happy?' asks Arlyn
'I promise on myself. I will never lose you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Ari, and why are you even asking me all these questions? Do you doubt my intentions?' asks Lorenzo
'No, I just got them in mind so asked them off' says Arlyn
'Okay' says Lorenzo
Next day-
'Come back safe' says Arlyn'I will' says Lorenzo and kissed her forehead and continues 'you take care of yourself and others too' says Lorenzo
'You mean mama?' asks Arlyn
'And Samuel too' says Lorenzo
'Yeah yeah, I get it, whatever you are saying. Come one Lorenzo, you can tell yourself to her to take care' says Arlyn and continues'Mama, Lorenzo wants to say you something' says Arlyn
'Yes' says Juliana
'Uhm, just take care of yourself till I come back. I shall go now' says Lorenzo and goes
'Aww,shy baby' says Arlyn
'He said me to take care, I can't believe it. Tha..thank you Arlyn!' says Juliana
'Why are you thanking me?' asks Arlyn
'It's all because of you, at least now he makes an effort to talk to me, care about me. Your changing him, thank you and I am sorry for blaming you earlier for everything' says Juliana
'Keep the sorry for later mama, you will need it...hehe' winks Arlyn and continues'Thank you for accepting me' says Arlyn
'Hmm, I had to one day anyhow' says Juliana
'Yeah, but trust me you had never gotten a better daughter-in-law than me' says Arlyn
'Of course, your Lorenzo's choice after all ' says Juliana
'The best choice and his only love in this life' says Arlyn
So here it is,
Zameer wants to take over Abullah's position!
Lorenzo is off to L.A..Arlyn and Juliana are bonding good! What will happen next? Comment down your thoughts below, like and follow up my page for more updates!!
RR Creations❤️

You'll Always Be In My Heart
Romance'He came back and took my peace' 'His throne is yours now, take it' 'Kill me and let me be in peace now. I am done with this world, with everything, I want to die now, kill me already' 'No no, I can't pull the trigger. I can't kill you' 'Why can't...