Arlyn's POV-
The next day, we both went to work, mine was finished and early, so I thought to go and surprise Lorenzo by going to his warehouse.
'Arlyn?' he asked assuring that was it actually me or not
'Yes' I said looking at him, he was in his usual attire
'Any work? You are here? Why?' he asked
'My work was done, so I thought to pick you up and go home along' I said
'Oh' he mouthed
'You made quite changes in the warehouse' I said
'Yes, they were needed' he said coldly
'Oh' I said
'Give me half an hour and I will be done' he said
'Sure' I said smiling and took a seat, putting my one leg over the other and I used my phone
'Thanks' he said and went inside the warehouse
———————————————————————————'Make sure to crack this deal by tomorrow Giovanni' orders Lorenzo
'Okay boss' he said and left taking the file from Lorenzo
'Done?' I asked
'Yes' he said
'Okay, let's go' I said grabbing my bag and we left
'Even though these efforts by Arlyn is changing my mind and plan, but I have to find some way and buckle up and execute my plan to divorce her, to let her away from my life for her own good' I thought
———————————————————————————As usual we are our dinner and then went to sleep! And like that another day passed too..days were gone and it was a month now, a month passed by..we literally became workaholic, he was busy in his work, meetings, weekly trips and I was busy in warehouses, in his absence I also used to handle his warehouse and we also went to meet Juliana twice last week; she was happy to see me, she said she misses us both a lot..we do too. I met my mom once last month in a garden to avoid the consequences with my dad. I want to sort out the issues with my father, but I am finding the right time to do it!!
'Where are you going?' asks Lorenzo
'Dad is coming back from London, so I am going to pick up him from the airport' says Arlyn
'Why? Did he ask you to?' asks Lorenzo
'No, I am going by my own will, I mean I want to surprise him and then talk it out with him' says Arlyn
'Oh, wait. Let me get ready, I will come along' says Lorenzo
'You are not needed there Lorenzo' says Arlyn
'Why not? As I said I will not let you be alone when it's about your father' justifies Lorenzo
'You can come along only on one condition' says Arlyn
'And that is?' asks Lorenzo
'You will not argue with him on any matter. Do you agree?' asks Arlyn
'Uhm..fine I will try' says Lorenzo
'Okay then, I am waiting' says Arlyn
'Hmm' says Lorenzo and went to changeAt airport-
'Dad' says Arlyn when she sees Christian coming towards them
' both? What are you both doing here?' asks Christian
'Dad, I came to pick you up' says Arlyn
'I didn't say you to' say's Christian
'I know dad, but I wanted to surprise you' say's Arlyn
'But I am not surprised' say's Christian and continues 'and now move away from my way' say's Christian
'Not until you here her out' says Lorenzo and stood still on his place
'Dad, please here me out for once' say's Arlyn holding Christian's hands
'I said I don't want to, move away from my way' say's Christian
'Please' says Arlyn
'Say what do you want to' say's Christian finally giving up..Arlyn took him to a near garden and they sat on the bench, followed by Lorenzo too!
'Tell me what is it?' asks Christian
'I am sorry for everything' says Arlyn and when he doesn't replies anything back, she continues 'I am sorry I went against your will and married Lorenzo, I am sorry for hurting you and your feelings, I never wanted to hurt you, I never wanted to against your orders, but you weren't ready to understand my feelings too, that I was really and madly in love with Lorenzo and I wanted to be with him at any cost and I did by marrying him' say's Arlyn
'You are with him however. You are married, happily living like a normal girl would. What else do you want?' asks Christian
'You. Your love and support. Your care for me, I want your comfort. I want you by my side not by fighting but by your own will. I want you to accept me as your daughter again and take your words back when you said that I am no one to you, when you said that you cut all your ties with me' says Arlyn
'You deserved it and I am not going back on my words' he said getting up, when Lorenzo came and stopped him,
'Can't you see her efforts, she's trying. So just forgive her' says Lorenzo
'Lorenzo, not a word please. As you promised, please don't interfere' say's Arlyn and he goes from there
'On one condition I will accept you again Arlyn' say's Christian
'What?' asks Arlyn
'Tell Lorenzo to give you the responsibility of Russia..for forever' say's Christian
'What? No, this can't happen dad. How could you ask for something which can not happen, i mean which is not my decision to make' say's Arlyn
'The choice is yours Arlyn, accept and convince Lorenzo or forever forget that you ever had a father' say's Christian and continues ' I will give you a day to tell me your decision, actually the good news' say's Christian and goesIn car-
'What happened in there?' asks Lorenzo
'Nothing. Also I decided that I am good with my dad in my life' says Arlyn
'What are you implying on Arlyn?' asks Lorenzo
'I am saying that I don't want to sort out the matter with dad and also don't want him to forgive me' says Arlyn
'Why not, you wanted to sort things out with him for months and when you have chance why aren't you? He said something? Should I talk to him?' asks Lorenzo'No, no Lorenzo. You don't have to talk to him about anything. I made my mind' says Arlyn
'He asked something in return to accept you back right?' asks Lorenzo
'How do you know? I he asked nothing' says Arlyn
'Tell me what did he ask?' asks Lorenzo
'Leave it' says Arlyn
'I said tell me' says Lorenzo
'Fine, I will. But promise me you hear it that's it, we forget about it' says Arlyn
'First let me hear it' says Lorenzo
'He wants you to give Russia over to me..for forever, to handle, for me to rule it' say's Arlyn
'I see' says Lorenzo
'Fine I said if. now please drive' say's Arlyn
He stayed silent for a moment going in some thought and then spoke up, 'take it' says Lorenzo
'Huh?' asks Arlyn
'I will give you Russia. Just take it and rule it from here, in fact I will tell my men there about it too. Russia will be yours' says Lorenzo
'What no, i won't. I can't. I don't want to' say's Arlyn
'But I want to. Russia will be yours from today' says Lorenzo
'Why would you give your country to me? Why would you do something like this for me?' asks Arlyn
'I can do anything for your happiness' says Lorenzo
'Thank you' says Arlyn
'Don't thank me, you deserve it' say's Lorenzo
'This was so big thing for me. Lorenzo giving off Russia for me, I know that Russia was so important for him because his feelings was attached to it , it was the last vacation of Lorenzo with Lex there, but I am happy he did this for me' thinks Arlyn
'I love you so much' I said him putting my hand on his shoulder
'Hmm' says Lorenzo
So here it is,
Christian put a condition to accept Arlyn again..
Lorenzo is ready to give upon Russia for Arlyn!
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RR Creations ❤️

You'll Always Be In My Heart
Romance'He came back and took my peace' 'His throne is yours now, take it' 'Kill me and let me be in peace now. I am done with this world, with everything, I want to die now, kill me already' 'No no, I can't pull the trigger. I can't kill you' 'Why can't...