'There is no warnings, when everything
~Arlyn~Lorenzo's POV(After the party)-
Disappointed. Hurt. Sad. Angry..all emotions filled my heart. I am sorry Ari..I know the truth hurts, but I had to set you free and this was the only option I was left with. 'Everyone wants to be happy, no one wants pain, but we can't have a rainbow without rain' so what I did was necessary, it was meant to happen and it did and look, now we are parted..we are on our own ways by destiny or not but we are successfully parted Arlyn! Trust me it hurt me, more than it hurt you. My vows..they were not fake or a lie..they were true, because I promised to protect you at all cost and I did it. I protected you form this world, from enemies, and from myself. You must me hurt, angry, sad, maybe also crying for what I did to you..I know you can never forgive me for it...and I don't expect you to because I was the one who hurt you the most!! After you left, everyone else left the party too, one by one, saying me a or two words about the thing I did at our anniversary party. They left, so did I..everything was ready, my plane was ready, so was I, ready to leave Italy forever, leaving you and everything behind. I was going to Mexico, to my grandparents, to start over everything again..and this time I wish to forget you and move on!!Few hours later, Mexico-
'Grandma' says Lorenzo and lay down in her laps
'What happened Lorenzo? Why are you crying?' asks Heather
'I lost her, grandma. I let her go in the most hurtful way anyone could. She was crying, begging me not to let her go..but i let her go, to protect her' say's Lorenzo
'Then you did the right thing, Lornezo. Sometimes it's better to let go the ones you love, even if it is to protect them' say's Heather
'But it still hurts me, I can't forget her cries, the look she gave me before going..she was in tears because of me. I already miss her. I loved her, grandma' says Lornezo wiping of his tear
'It's okay my boy. Everything will be fine by time' says Heather
'Today I don't have anyone around me, not my father, mother, my wife..I lost everyone. Why does it happens to me, everyone I love, goes away from me, first dad, then mom and now Arlyn..I had to let her go..it happened all because of me' says Lornezo
'It'a okay Lorenzo, calm down..calm down my boy' says HeatherNow
After opening my heart towards Helena, she left and again I was all alone in my room..scrolling over a few photos of ours..Lornezo and me, which I had.
'Why did you do this to me, Lornezo? Why hurt me in a way no one ever hurt me? Why did you became my ruse? What did I do that you let me go; threw me out. Did I love you too much that I couldn't see the truth or was it that I was the only one who loved you and you never loved me? People were true when they said 'there is no warnings, when everything changes' like my life changed with just a argument I started and you ended it! I went through our old messages, I cried, because you promised to always be there, you lied. You are not here with me, nor when I lost my baby, when I lost everything; all because of you. I gave you my heart, then you stole my soul, without you being around me, I don't know how to live anymore. My biggest regret of life was to love you, Lorenzo O'Dare. I wanted to make our anniversary day special for both of us, by giving you the good news, I was all ready to tell you..everything was going perfect, you made your sudden perfect entry, asked me to have a dance with you, took me to the dance floor, we danced and in that moment, I loved you, maybe I should've, I mean it terrified me, what if this is just a dream, you and me but for me at that moment, I loved you'
'From today I promise myself to completely forget about you and start over again, because I am done humiliating myself, making myself feel ashamed again and again, all because I loved you. From today it will be a a new start for me..because from today I will live as Arlyn Capone not Arlyn O'Dare!!So here it is,
The end of all the past chapters!
All the next chapters will be of present, hope you remember where I left the present situation, if you don't, you will know by a little recap in the next chapter! A new chapter is going to start in their lives! What do you guys think of this chapter?? Comment down your thought below, like and follow up my page for more updates!!
RR Creations ❤️

You'll Always Be In My Heart
Romance'He came back and took my peace' 'His throne is yours now, take it' 'Kill me and let me be in peace now. I am done with this world, with everything, I want to die now, kill me already' 'No no, I can't pull the trigger. I can't kill you' 'Why can't...