Lorenzo's POV-
It was already a week since she is here. Also that we have never slept in the same room, yet. I sleep in the other room. Today my work was done, so came home early only to find that Arlyn was home already, cause she took a day off today, she cooked dinner for us, first I totally doubted her intentions..why all this so suddenly, but eventually gave in, she fed me with her own hands, sat on my laps, playing off with my hair..caressing my face possessively, she was clearly trying to seduce me, and I confronted her; though she said that it was her own idea..playing a good wife act; but I didn't believe her, how can someone change this much? But when she was not agreeing to what I claimed; I said her why not continue the seducing game you started; of course she didn't understand what I meant by it, until I came close enough to her hearing her breaths, her heart was beating rapidly, I started leaning to kiss on her face, leading down to her neck, my one hand trailing down to her thigh, other holding her hand, when she was shivering..until I stopped when she told me to..of course she got a little scared by this, i suddenly giving in her plan, she couldn't digest it. Starting to say that she didn't wanted all this..I didn't believe it and left from there!Next day
'You seriously did that, Ari..seduced him?' asks Helena
'Yes I had to Hel, that was the only plan I thought would work on him to get some information out of his mouth but it didn't, he outsmarted me and gave in along' says Arlyn
'But you were a fool to even try that on him. He would have obviously doubted your intentions' say's Helena
'What is done is already done and I can't change it now..uhm I will talk to you later, Helena. Bye!' I said her quickly when I noticed Lorenzo's presence in the room
'Aha, don't hesitate to Bitch about me to your friend' says Lorenzo
'I wasn't talking about you to her' say's Arlyn
'Oh so you have got other topics to talk about too, than me..I see' says Lorenzo
'Yes I do' says Arlyn and continues
'Why don't you sleep here, in our room?' I asked him out of curiosity
'I will when I wish too..that shouldn't even concern you' say's Lorenzo
'But it does' I wanted to shout out. 'Anyways get ready, I want to take you somewheres' says Arlyn
'Where?' asks Lornezo
'Don't ask too many questions, just get ready' says Arlyn
'Butt' she didn't let me complete my sentence, and
'Please' says Arlyn with her puppy eyes, so I had to agree, she still has that affect on me to convince me for anything!! So I went to get ready.
———————————————————————————Few minutes later-
'You wanted to take me here, to Capone Mansion..why?' asks Lorenzo
'I want you to meet someone, come let's go inside' says Arlyn
'Hmm' I said and went inside with her. Looked like no one was home. 'No one is around?' asks Lorenzo
'Yes, no one is home, that's why I got you here' says Arlyn
'What is this room? Why did I ever not notice it?' asks Lornezo
'Because you didn't bother to look around my house ever, that's why' says Arlyn
'What's in there? Is this a secret room?' asks Lornezo
'Yes it is, come' says Arlyn and they go in the room.'Hey Levina. How are you?' asks Arlyn hugging her
'Ari..I missed you. Why didn't you come earlier to meet me?' asks Levina
'I am sorry, I was quite busy. But now I am here, we will spend some time together, today' says Arlyn
'Yes we will' say's Levina
'Who is she?' asks Lornezo whispering
'Oh yes, Levina this is Lorenzo and Lornezo this is Levina' introduces Arlyn
'Hi' says Levina
'Hello' says Lorenzo
'So I finally meet you today, Enzo. Ari talks a lot about you..why didn't you visit us anytime?' asks Levina
'She did, talk about me?' asks Lornezo in confusion
'Yes, many times' says Levina and continues 'she misses you, Enzo' says Levina
'Aha..don't lie, Levina. She's just making up all that. Anyways did you eat anything, yet?' asks Arlyn
'No' say's Levina
'Why not?' asks Arlyn
'I wasn't hungry' say's Levina
'That's too bad Levina. You should not skip food, stay here, I will send someone with food' say's Arlyn and they go from there.
'Who was she?' asks Lorenzo
'She's Levina, my sister.' says Arlyn
'Huh, I don't understand..how? Is she ma and your dad's daughter?' asks Lorenzo
'No, she is my half sister. Years ago dad cheated on mom; exactly 7 years ago..her birth mother died giving her birth and dad have been raising her in secret; he hid her from us..until past 2 years when I found out about her existence, she was living here secretly for god knows how many years' says Arlyn
'Oh, I am sorry to hear that' say's Lorenzo
'I and mom, both love her too much; we decided to give her a better future; unlike ours which is not at all in our hands' say's Arlyn
'Why..why did you make me meet her?' asks Lorenzo
'I don't know. I just thought that you need to meet her; when you left me..I had her, I mean I used to talk to her often, I saw that innocence in her eyes which melted me down towards her, I felt bad for her, that she has a father yet the one who doesn't love her' says Arlyn and continues 'enough of my emotional talks now, shall we go to work' says Arlyn
'Yes' says Lorenzo
'How will you go? I mean we came here by my car?' asks Arlyn
'I will call my driver' says Lorenzo
'But you will be late by then, I will drop you if you don't mind' say's Arlyn hesitantly
'Sure' says Lorenzo and we walked to the car.
'Frank, you are back. When did you come back?' asks Arlyn in excitement
'3 hours ago, boss. And I am all at your service from now' says Frank
'Drop us to the warehouse then' says Arlyn and they sat in the car
'Did you crack the deal you went for, Frank?' asks Arlyn
'Yes, i was successful and I also got his signature on the documents' says Frank
'That's great' says Arlyn. While Arlyn and that Frank boy were having conversation, I was listening to them with both my ears; I think this is the first time I am seeing Arlyn truly happy, smiling..with someone. I feel something, I don't know what is that feeling but i don't like them talking..so I spoke up to break their conversation!
'You know what I am coming along with you, to your warehouse' says Lornezo
'Why?' asks Arlyn
'Because it's been time I didn't visit it, that's why' says a Lorenzo and she didn't speak further!So here it is,
Lorenzo knows the truth about Levina!
Is Lorenzo jealous of Arlyn and Frank? What do you guys think of this chapter? Comment down your thoughts below, like and follow up my page for more updates!!
RR Creations ❤️

You'll Always Be In My Heart
Romance'He came back and took my peace' 'His throne is yours now, take it' 'Kill me and let me be in peace now. I am done with this world, with everything, I want to die now, kill me already' 'No no, I can't pull the trigger. I can't kill you' 'Why can't...