Chapter 36: Ended

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He was right when he said
" she is your destruction, not destiny"

After that meet I decided not to meet Gravik Stellios, and moved out of her way, she got Russia under her hands and I was happy for her success. Though she was becoming successful and powerful, but I wanted to be the reason behind her everything, but the efforts I make for her weren't visible, I always move out of her way, so she can take what I always wanted, like Italy, New York or any other country, I am ready to give her all and let her conquer them all too..that is how much I was in love with Juliana. It didn't matter me that she was married or not, I personally never cared about her husband, what mattered to me my whole life was her and only her, I never did fall for anyone this badly, I wanted her but by her own will, and that would happen only when Lex O'Dare is out of the chapter, out of her life, yes I wanted to finish off his chapter for once and for all, I was making plans to kill him, it took me years to plan his death and when it was the time to execute it someone already did, someone already did my work and it was none other than her own father, Roman Pierce killed Juliana's husband in cold blood, this news spread  in the whole underworld like a virus would, also there was a news that, Lorenzo, his grandson saw his dad die in front of his own eye and that is the reason he hates him so much!! Lex was finally dead, and I thought my way was clear now, now I had a chance to confess my love for her, a month after Lex's funeral I was on my way to Italy to meet Juliana, yes I had to give her some time to process the death of her husband. I reached Italy and, I was outside of her mansion, I decided to go in by the garden, so I walked in without anyone noticing me, what I saw in the garden was shocking, I saw Juliana kissing a guy, yes she was kissing someone else, my blood boiled seeing them kiss, but what could I do at that moment; probably nothing, I couldn't do anything because my heart broke seeing that, the one chance I got to confess my feelings to her could have worked if I would have come here on time, maybe a month ago. Maybe she would have accepted me too, because I wasn't bad, like all the men wanted her, so did girls craved for my attention but luck as always, wasn't with me. I lost the only chance too..I left from there, went back to England. The moment I landed back in England, I told all my men to get information about that man who was kissing Juliana; his name was David Benett, he was working in Roman Pierce's gang. I quickly got the conclusion that this was all Roman's doing, first he killed Lex and now getting this David into Juliana's life..but the question was..was a month enough for her to forget her dead husband? Was that David so effective for you that you forgot your husband only in a month? Did you love him Juliana? Did he love you? I didn't do anything for months..I only observed them both..for a year, and I expected what was coming forward, she married David..maybe she was really in love with him, or that man made a trap to make her fall in love with him..then with in a year, she had another child after Lorenzo; name Samuel. Now that she moved on and I got a reality check that now she was gone away from me..she was so far from me that I couldn't get her back, I knew I couldn't do anything about it now, she was happy in her own little family, and I tried to be happy with my kids, yes I never got married ever. I decided not to fall for any woman now, if Juliana couldn't be the one for me then no one else too. And that is how m "My one sided love story ended" I lost all the hopes of my own happiness, but I was happy for her and 14 years later; today she was dead. The mafia queen "Juliana O'Dare" was dead, was killed only because of her one mistake, killing an Ace..which was a rule break. She killed Sheikh Abdullah and his son took revenge by killing her and here I am in Italy, telling my one sided love story with her to his son!

Lorenzo's POV-
My mother was gone, left me just like that. Now I am an orphan, with no mother and father. Yes after dad died, I distanced myself from mom. Yes I blamed her for dad's death. Years were gone and our relationship didn't change, we were still maintaining a distance, she tried her best for me to be the old Lorenzo but I couldn't. But when I started to care for her again, caring for her after she killed Sheikh Abdullah, because indirectly she started a war between us, I wanted to call her mom so badly, I was trying be the one she wanted me to be, and the day came, I called her mom again but when she was dying, in my arms and I couldn't do anything. I realised that All the people I loved just left me and went, they died in front of my eyes. Maybe I was some bad luck on others, that is why they leave me, first dad, them mom and now Arlyn, because I will let her go, so after having some peaceful time with Arlyn after the funeral ceremony, we headed back to the mansion only to find that Marcel Scott was waiting for me, i felt like he talked his heart today, but I was shocked when I got to know that he loved my mother, his whole life, she was the reason he never got married because he didn't wanted to forgot her, he was not ready to forget her.

'You loved my mom?' I asked him off directly
'Yes I did and still do' say's Marcel
'I see and I still can't believe the fact that you are capable of loving her' say's Lorenzo
'Me too' says Marcel and continues 'anyways I will leave now, I must say it was nice seeing you again' say's Marcel and got up
'You too. And this confession, does it means that you are not behind me anymore?' I asked him as I was really curious to know what will he say
'No not at all. Do I look like a fool who will change a perspective of someone in just one meet..if you think then you are wrong because I am not that' say's Marcel and goes but stood on the door and said something I never expected,
'Enjoy the time you have with her..because she will be your destruction Lorenzo, not destiny' say's Marcel and walks out

So here it is,
Marcel's one sided love story ended with Juliana.
Marcel hasn't backed off. He still has kept Lornezo as his number 1 target.
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RR Creations ❤️

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