So they were here, back in Italy. Arlyn and Lorenzo landed in the morning and then directly went to their work place. While Lorenzo was working in the warehouse, and Arlyn after finishing her work, went to her parents house.
Capone Mansion(Evening)
'Hey mom, dad' says Arlyn hugging Arena.
'How are you doing Arlyn?How was your vacation?' asks Arena
'Correction Arena, not vacation; it was honeymoon' say's Christian
' was fine mom. We went there for work' says Arlyn
'How did you get this wound on your forehead?' asks Arena
'Someone attacked me' says Arlyn
'Omg, be careful darling. Don't get yourself hurt between all this' say's Arena
'Mom, it's not on me. This is mafia; here people get hurt, also they die. So don't worry about me' say's Arlyn in a pissed voice.
'I want to talk to dad, can you please leave us alone for a moment?' asks Arlyn
'Sure' says Arena
'Also I am going to stay the night, so please cook dinner accordingly' says Arlyn
'I will' say's Arena with a smile on her face.
'Dad' calls Arlyn
'Hm' says Christian
'Look at me please' says Arlyn
'Tell me I am listening' say's Christian
'Dad it was not a honeymoon..we went there for work, Lorenzo killed his grandfather' say's Arlyn but he stays quiet.
'Are you still angry that I didn't kill him?' asks Arlyn
'What do you think, I am?' ask's Christian
'Yes you are. I am sorry dad' says Arlyn
'Don't be when you don't mean it. You were the one who told me that you want to take revenge from him, then why are you backing off now? What is stoping you from killing him? Is it your feelings for him..huh? Do you still have feelings for him Arlyn?' asks Christian but she stays silent.
'Then do it, fucking kill him Arlyn. In a moment his everything will be yours, why don't you do it. Kill him' say's Christian
'It's not so easy to do it dad, I tried once and you know the outcome I failed. I always fail, I can't do it..I cannot kill him' shouts Arlyn
'Then forget about his position or that you will ever get his powers. Because if you don't try then you shall always remain his pawn; whom he will use and throw whenever he wants' say's Christian and goes from there.Arlyn's room-
'Is everything okay between you and Lorenzo?' asks Arena coming in.
'Everything. Nothing is okay between us mom, I and him we don't stand a chance together. We always fight, neither I am able to kill him nor I am able to control my fee..' Arlyn stopped in between
'Your feelings for him, right? I can understand you very well Ari. Happened with me too. Though mine was an arrange marriage, but eventually within a month I fell in love with your father but later I realised that he is not the one for me but it was too late and then I was pregnant with you, so I continued the marriage for your sake' say's Arena and sits on the bed, Arlyn puts her head on her lap and listens to her.
'But you have choice and it's high time you choose what you really want Arlyn. Tell me do you really want Lorenzo's position and his powers or do you want to continue your marriage with him? Do you still love him Ari?' asks Arena
'Does it matter what I want mom? It doesn't, you know what for once in my life I want dad to be happy, he wants me to do one thing and I wanna do it, I want to make him happy. I want him to be proud of me' says Arlyn
'That doesn't answer my question. Do you still love Lorenzo or not?' asks Arena
'I..I don't wanna answer it mom' says Arlyn
'Why not? For once in your life think about yourself Ari..not about me, nor your dad or Levina. Think about yourself, your happiness, your future. If you love him then give him a chance dear, work out your marriage' say's Arena
'Mom..' she couldn't complete her sentence and goes from there.In the garden
Where has life gotten us today, you and I are apart Lorenzo? Why? Even if I want to be with you again, I know you don't want to be with me. That is why you left me..but still somewhere my heart knows that whatever you said that night, you didn't mean it, your reasons to end our relationship was a lie. I know that, and I want to know the real reason behind our distance in past and I shall find it Lorenzo.So here it is,
Arlyn wants to be with Lornezo? Will she confess it to Lorenzo too? What do you guys think will happen next? Comment down your thoughts below, like and follow up my page for more updates!!
RR Creations ❤️

You'll Always Be In My Heart
Romance'He came back and took my peace' 'His throne is yours now, take it' 'Kill me and let me be in peace now. I am done with this world, with everything, I want to die now, kill me already' 'No no, I can't pull the trigger. I can't kill you' 'Why can't...