So here it is, she's coming back, here in Ari Mansion. Of course she must have some motives behind it..and that is why I agreed to stay, I want to know the motive. Yes I promised to never look back nor come back, but what can I do..destiny bought us together again, to face each other, but this time maybe with different opinions..making us each other's enemies. Leaving her with the reason to protect her was at least successful for past 3 years; no attacks was on Arlyn..nothing. No enemy was behind her..past 3 years was smooth for her, the way I wanted it to be! Yes, of course I had updates about her and what is going on, here in Italy, did you really think that I had left Italy on Christian's hands all alone..nope, I had know what all was going on here in Italy, in my absence!
A week later(night)-
A week passed by, today is the day, Arlyn will officially set in Ari mansion, again, after 3 long years. Her stuff and all the luggage has come here already in the morning. She is on her way to Ari Mansion.
———————————————————————————Ari Mansion
'Welcome back, Arlyn' says Lorenzo
'Thank you!' say's Arlyn
'Frank will stay along, here with me' says Arlyn
'Fine, if you getting Frank along with you, then I shall also keep someone from my gang, in charge of you' say's Lorenzo
'Why? I don't need anyone' says Arlyn
'But I need someone to keep an eye on you in my absence. Catalina, you will be in charge of Arlyn, now you will work for her, you will do as she says and you will also keep and eye on her, for me' says Lorenzo
'Boss, can I talk to you for a moment in private, please?' asks Catalina and they go in a side
'What?' asks Lorenzo
'Boss, please not me. I can't be in charge of her' say's Catalina
'Why? What's the problem?' asks Lorenzo
'Boss, she will kill me if I do something wrong, or she will hurt me if she gets angry. I have heard all past stories of her; she is strong now, and now that she is back, she might be holding grudges on you, for the past, what if she hurts me and takes revenge on me' says Catalina
'Why are you scared of her? She won't do anything like you are saying' says Lornezo
'What if she does?' asks Catalina
'Then fight her back, Catalina. You are strong enough to fight her, I kept you in charge of her for a reason, don't disappoint me already. And I know my wife, she won't hurt you, I assure you that' say's Lorenzo
'If you say so' says Catalina'She's ready. Arlyn, Catalina will be your personal guard, you can ask her help for anything you need, she will always be around' says Lorenzo
'Hmm. I may take a little rest now' say's Arlyn
'I will show you your room, mam' says Catalina
'You don't need to bother, Catalina. I know my room' says Arlyn
'Are you sure mam? You just came in here' asks Catalina
'Yes, my husband's room is my room, so you don't need to bother' says Arlyn and goes upstairs.
'Of course, how did I forget that she is Boss's wife, and his room is her room too' thought Catalina
———————————————————————————After finishing off my work, I was about to have my dinner, but then I remembered that I also have a wife now, to take care off..I sent Catalina to call Arlyn down for dinner, but she came back all alone, informing me that she was already asleep. I ate my dinner all alone, and then went to my our room. I came in and saw, that Arlyn was already asleep, her face said it all, that she was already too tired. If you are already tired, Arlyn..without doing anything, then how will you face me in here, everyday? I wasn't tired nor I was getting any sleep..I went out in the balcony, sitting on the chair..I smoke off my cigarette, looking at the moon, I didn't realise when I felt asleep!
'It 7 am, my eyes automatically woke up. Last night I was tired, I didn't bother to do anything, so I directly came into "our room" and slept without eating the dinner. I woke up and realised that the other side of the bed was all set as I saw it before sleeping, that means he didn't sleep..I looked around and saw that, Lorenzo was in the balcony, I went in the balcony and saw that he was asleep on the was he even comfortable in sleeping in this chair..and why didn't he come and slept in the bed or couch? I wondered! I saw that they was a burned cigarette on the table..has he started smoking cigarettes? I thought, when his phone rang, I was about to silent it but someone hold my hand and pulled me closer, it was Lorenzo. He took me close to him, facing each other's face now, I looked in his eyes in surprise..what just happened? When he spoke up,
'What we're you doing? Checking my phone?' asks Lorenzo
'What? No, no I wasn't' say's Arlyn
'Then what we're you doing? If you want to check my phone, then ask me..I will give you, even without thinking for a minute' says Lorenzo, unlocking his phone, he hand me his phone. I moved behind, maintaining my distance from him, putting his phone on the table, I said 'your phone was ringing, and not to disturb your sleep, I was going to silent it but think whatever you want to. I am outta here' say's Arlyn and goes'Shit..did I mess up, again?' thought Lornezo and went behind her
'Fine, I am sorry, for doubting your intentions' say's Lornezo
'I don't really care what you think about me' says Arlyn
'Yes. Now move from my way'
'Not until you say me you forgive me, for it' say's Lornezo
'No, I won't' says Arlyn
'See, that means you care about what I say' says Lornezo
'No, I don't. Move Lornezo, don't behave like a child' says Arlyn
'I won't' says Lornezo
'Fine, then' says Arlyn and walks pushing him aside. I went to have a shower, when I came out..I saw he was already ready, looks like he used the other room, shower. 'Are you done?' I asked him as he was in front of the mirror, doing his hair
'Yes' says Lornezo
'Move aside then, even I need to comb my hair' I said him. While I was combing my hair, he was constantly staring at me, not even blinking for a second, it irked me.. 'what?' I asked
'Then, stop staring at me' I said and he stopped staring at me
'What are you your plans for the day?'
'Condition number 3- you won't interfere in my business' says Arlyn
'I am not interfering, I am just asking' say's Lornezo
'Means the same to me' says Arlyn
'Still didn't answer my questions' says Lornezo
'I won't tell you anything, so don't bother me' say's Arlyn
'Then I shall find it on my own' says Lornezo and I turned around to look at him, but gods but something came down my foot, and I was about to slip and he hold me to stop from falling..caressing my hair, looking in my eye, I asked him
'Did you start smoking cigarette?'
'Oh you saw it'
'Yes. Why, Lorenzo?' I asked looked in his eyes with so much innocence, because I truly wanted to know the reason behind him starting to smoke.
'Maybe because it helped me forgetting a loved one' says Lorenzo, leaving me off and went from there. I sat on the bed, thinking what he meant..'forgetting a loved me..was it me, who he was talking about?' I thoughtSo here it is,
Arlyn is back in Ari Mansion.
What will happens next? Comment down your thought below, like and follow my page for more updates!!
RR Creations ❤️

You'll Always Be In My Heart
Romance'He came back and took my peace' 'His throne is yours now, take it' 'Kill me and let me be in peace now. I am done with this world, with everything, I want to die now, kill me already' 'No no, I can't pull the trigger. I can't kill you' 'Why can't...