Lorenzo's POV-
I wonder why do you always listen to that wicked father of yours, who is just using you for his benefit. He said you to kill me, and you even tried to kill me..and here I thought you were changed after all, that you see things with your own eyes now, not your father's. But you always prove me wrong, Arlyn. I left Italy so that you can rule it in my absence not your father!! Today not only you were sorry for your actions but me too, I think I should have never left you!
Next day(Morning)-
'Morning' says Arlyn when sees Lorenzo sitting on the chair
'Morning' says Lorenzo
'Kelly, this is not what I eat in breakfast, why did you cook this for me? Did you ask me about it before coking?' Arlyn shouts on Kelly
'I am sorry mam, I thought you would have the regular breakfast you do always. From tomorrow I will ask you for it' say's Kelly
'You better do and take this from my sight, I am not eating it' say's Arlyn and she takes her plate.
'Should I cook something else for you, mam?' asks Kelly
'No, I am good with eating anything' says Arlyn and Kelly goes from there
'Calm down, love..it's not a big issue' says Lorenzo
'It is for me, I am very cautious about my food..and please don't bother to talk to me' say's Arlyn
'Oh..what a attitude. So yesterday was only a day of redemption, for your action?' asks Lorenzo
'Redemptions are only for a short duration. I realised that I should move on from things; especially from yesterday's incident, so I did and you better do too..because whatever I said yesterday doesn't matter anymore. When I am hurt I say things which I don't mean at all, so don't get affected by them' says Arlyn and goes from there.
'I don't even bother to get affected by it, don't worry!' say's Lorenzo and goes from there'Affected? I was devastated yesterday. I couldn't still believe that I did that to you, but why would you understand me after all you are changed and I am nothing to you, right Lorenzo? Never mind I will stop expecting and you will stop affecting me, then!' thought Arlyn
———————————————————————————Capone warehouse
'Why didn't I get the good news yet, Ari? Let me guess because you didn't kill him, right?' asks Christian on call.
'I did, I tried killing him, but he was saved on time..his people saved him' say's Arlyn
'No chance my plan would have failed. Maybe your efforts were less, Arlyn' say's Christian
'You know what dad, I am already pissed and you are pissing me off more, I will call you later' say's Arlyn and hangs up
'Robert get me the Hoover's file' orders Arlyn'You can't come in' say's Ander
'Who says?' asks Lorenzo
'You can't visit mam until you have a appointment with her or she informs us about a visitor; I am sorry I can't let you in Mr.?!' say's Ander
'Mr.O'Dare, heard my name ever?' asks Lorenzo
'What is going on here?' asks Shane coming
'Oh, I didn't notice. Good morning sir' Shane greets Lorenzo
'Morning' says Lorenzo
'Ander why did you stop him at the entrance, please come in boss' says Shane and Lorenzo comes in
'May I ask the purpose of this visit' asks Shane
'Surprising your boss..kidding. Just checking in, whether your work is going good or not. Don't bother me, go continue with your work' says Lorenzo and Shane goes.So yes I decided to surprise Arlyn at her work. I was bored, couldn't concentrate on my work, so I decided to pay her a visit, and thank god her father isn't here, or else he would have got nice threats from me. I was roaming around and found Arlyn at the backside of the warehouse, she was working, I was about to approach her, when something caught my attention, oh it was someone actually..staring at my wife, Arlyn..I remember him, he was the man who made Arlyn excited and happy that day. Why is he staring at her, doesn't he knows that she is my wife and no one is allowed to lay their eyes on her, it angered me more, I went and approach thy guy instead.
'Liking the view you see?' asks Lorenzo
'Excuse me' says Frank
'You like the girl?' asks Lorenzo
'Who are you?' asks Frank
''Lorenzo O'Dare' says Lorenzo
'Omg, I am sorry I didn't recognise you my lord. You are the king, the Lorenzo O'Dare I heard about all my life, I finally get to see you' say's Frank and bow him down.
'Such a big fan' says Lorenzo
'I am truly. It's a pleasure to meet you sir, I am Frank' says Frank and forwards his hand for a handshake but Lorenzo didn't bother to respond him.
'You like her, Frank?' asks Lorenzo
'Can I be honest with you?' asks Frank
'Of course' I said him because I wanted to hear what has he got to say about Arlyn.
'I do, I like her a lot. But she is my boss, I work for her' say's Frank
'So what, why don't you confess your feelings to her?!' say's Lorenzo
'I can't, she would hate me if she knows that I have feelings for her. But honestly I like spending time with her as a friend in my free time, or whenever she is sad; she says me to take her to the lake, which is nearby and she sits down by the lake for hours, enjoying her own company, sometimes she asks me accompany her too..and shares the reason behind her sadness' says Frank
'Looks like you are close to her' say's Lorenzo
'Very close, I understand her now ..I have know her for 2 years now..life hasn't been easy on her. I remember once she said me that she wants to go back to her old life..I don't know what she meant by that till now, but I understood that she has gone through so much to reach at this level' say's Frank
'Indeed she has' says Lorenzo
'How do you know?' asks Frank
'There, the woman you have been staring for god knows how long, is my wife. Arlyn O'Dare' shouts Lorenzo to make it loud and clear.
'Huh? How? I mean I thought she was single; she never mentioned about you ever? Where were you in these past 2 years?' asks Frank
'Many questions at a time, fair enough. She lied, she is not single. We have been married for almost 4 years now. Where was I? I was on a business trip, if that answers your question!' says Lorenzo and continues 'also now I would like to warn you, back off because she is my property, my wife..she is my only mine. Don't ever stare at her or get close to her, or else you have heard the stories of mine, I will kill you Frank and that's a warning I give you' say's Lorenza and goes from there.'Surprisee' says Lorenzo scaring Arlyn
'Omg, what the hell, Lorenzo. What are you doing here?' asks Arlyn
'Nothing, just came to say you hello. Come one let's go home' say's Lorenzo
'Why?' asks Arlyn
'Because I say so, come on' says Lorenzo and holds her hand and takes her along
'But I just came here 2 hours ago, I can't' say's Arlyn
'Yes you can' say's Lorenzo
'Take the signature of Mr.Hoover and come' shouts ArlynLorenzo didn't let Arlyn ask any questions further and they sat in the car, Frank was dropping them home. When they sat, without Lorenzo noticing him, Frank messages Arlyn that can he talk to her few a few minutes in person? And gets out of the car followed by Arlyn.
'What happened Frank? What was so urgent you wanted to talk that you called me out of the car? asks Arlyn
'Boss, I thought you were honest with me from the start' says Frank
'I was, what happened Frank?' asks Arlyn putting her left hand on his
'Don't. You lied about being single, in actuality you are married. Yes the big secret has been revealed, I know that you are married. Why did you lie to me?' asks Frank
'Who told you about it?' asks Arlyn
'Does it matters?' asks Frank
'Yes it does. Who told you about it?' asks Arlyn
'There you see the man in the car, your husband himself told me that you have been married for almost 4 years now and from past 2 years you have been pretending to be single, why?' asks Frank and continues 'say something please. Do you know he also has warned me to stay away from you or else he will kill me' says Frank
'Wait' says Arlyn and goes back in the car, opening the door, she pushed Lorenzo on the seat, making him lay down.
'Why the fuck did you tell Frank about us..being husband and wife?' asks Arlyn choking his neck.So here it is,
I guess it was only a day of redemption for Arlyn
The secret of Arlyn and Lorenzo being husband and wife has come out to Frank.
Lorenzo has warned Frank to stay away from Arlyn. What will happen next? Comment down your thoughts below, like and follow up my page for more updates!!
RR Creations ❤️

You'll Always Be In My Heart
Romance'He came back and took my peace' 'His throne is yours now, take it' 'Kill me and let me be in peace now. I am done with this world, with everything, I want to die now, kill me already' 'No no, I can't pull the trigger. I can't kill you' 'Why can't...