The Princess and the Frog🤴🏻🐸

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Starting strong: Light smut ahead🔞

"Fuck off Jungkook."
"Come on, princess.!!"
Jin slammed the glass a bit too hard on the bar counter.
"Do not call me princess! God, when will these two arrive? "Jin groaned in frustration.
Jungkook smirked and bit his lips, looking at the beauty before him. "Don't act like you hate me, baby; I know I'm the one who you dream about while you touch yourself at night—when you are in your expensive ass bed."

"I have a lot of men ready to keep my bed warm, night or day. Don't think so highly of yourself!" Jin scoffed
"Yet you are here alone. Where is that rich trust fund boy toy of yours?" Jungkook asked, smirking and softly touching Jin's thighs.

Jin shivered a bit, feeling his feather touch through his pants. "He has a name; Yoongi is working, unlike you, who doesn't have an actual job. He doesn't need to be here; he is not my boyfriend, and you are alone too. Why? Did your girlfriend dump your sorry ass?" Jin asked, moving his thighs away from his reach.

"She was not my girlfriend. We were just fucking!" Jungkook said it casually and a bit loudly, which made a few people look in their direction.

Jin looked around panicked. They were seated at a high-class bar where only elites and rich people would go, and Jungkook was speaking in such a language. He didn't even know what made his brother and fiancé choose this bar if Jungkook was coming.

"Will you tone it down?" he whispered.
Jungkook chuckled, "Ashamed of me.?Sorry, I'm not soft-spoken like you, princess. I haven't been to a lot of fancy places like these."
"Whatever. Please get a drink and shut up." Jin rolled his eyes.
Jungkook shook his head. "I'm not drinking; I have to drive back."
"Suit yourself, A cosmo, please." He motioned to the bartender.
"Cosmo..!!! You are such a princess!" Jungkook laughed
Jin raised his eyebrows. "Seriously !! drink shaming! You are such a sleezebag."

Jungkook dramatically opened his mouth. "Language princess, I don't want to hear such bad things from that pretty mouth of yours, unless it's in the bedroom," he winked.
"God!!! " Jin downed the drink, which the bartender just placed in front of him in one go, and groaned.

"I'm glad to know that you both haven't killed each other." They both turned back to see Kim Taehyung, Jin's younger brother, standing there with his fiancé Jimin on his arms.
Jungkook nodded at them. "Hey chim! No, I won't ever kill Princess over here. He is just bickering for fun!" Jungkook said smiling

"Stop calling me Princess, Jeon fucking Jungkook," Jin said, gritting his teeth in anger.

" ok!!!! Ok, both of you stop. Tae grabbed Jungkook's arms and separated them.
"Minnie Please go get a table. I'm starving here. Order some snacks too with the drinks. Take Kook with you, I beg you! I need to talk to my brother," Tae begged with big eyes, knowing very well that the two most important people in their lives hated each other very much.
Jimin nodded, yanked Jungkook's arms, and went in search of a table for them.

"Why would you invite both of us together? He is so cocky; I hate him, Tae," Jin said angrily.
"Hyungiee, he is Minnie's best friend. Please don't fight. I want you to get along." Tae said, sitting beside him.
"Why do I have to get along with him? He is an asshole."

Tae sighed "Hyung, we called you both
to ask to be each other's best man!! And you are fighting like this!"
Seokjin's face lit up suddenly. "Ohh!! Taetae, I know you will ask me. I'm so excited....Wait! Did you say both of us?! Jungkook freaking Jeon!""

"Yes, who else do you think? He is Jimin's only best friend in the world." Tae shrugged
Jin groaned again. "I need something else to deal with that Jeon fucking Kook. Whisky on the rocks, please." He ordered another drink.

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