Someone's Waiting for You

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This book just hit 30k... a personal high for me for an ongoing book. I'm happy, so here it is! 😃😃
Hope no one is bored of this one yet!

Jungkook woke up the next day, as usual reaching out to feel Jin's warm body beside him. However, that morning, he was met with cold sheets instead. Panic surged through him as he realised that Jin wasn't in bed and especially knowing that Jin had been sleeping in more often these days. The worry began rising inside him as he quickly got up, his mind racing with concerns for Jin's well-being.

"Baby!!" Jungkook called out Jin's name in a panic, rushing to the bathroom door only to find it empty.

Frantically, he dashed out of the room where he spotted Jin sitting on a stool in the kitchen while His mom stood nearby, cooking and chatting with Jin completely oblivious to Jungkook's panic. The sight of Jin safe and sound filled Jungkook with immense relief and calmed the anxiety that had gripped him just moments before.

Heejin was showing Jin how to make pajeon pancakes and he was watching it attentively with big eyes. Jungkook stood where he was, observing the interaction between his mother and Jin with a fond smile.

Once the pajeon was cooked, Jin's mom served a portion onto Jin's plate and then noticed Jungkook standing at the door. "Oh, good morning, baby! You woke up early. Isn't it your day off?" she greeted Jungkook warmly.

Jungkook nodded in response to her greeting, but his attention was captured by Jin's warm smile as he turned to look at him. Seeing that smile made Jungkook's heart ache . It had been weeks since he had seen Jin smile like that and the sight filled him with a longing to see more of it. Although he knew that it was probably because of his mom, Jungkook's primary focus remained on helping Jin get better, no matter whatever the reason is behind his improved mood.

Jungkook nodded in response. "Yeah, I just woke up."

"Come have breakfast then!!"Heejin invited gesturing for Jungkook to join them at the table.

Jungkook nodded and sat down beside Jin, who was happily devouring the meal his mom had prepared. She served the food and took a seat opposite Jin.

"How's the food, honey?" she asked Jin with a warm smile while pouring a glass of milk for him.

Jin nodded enthusiastically with his mouth full. "Really good!" he mumbled between bites.

She turned to Jungkook with a smile. "He said he was craving pajeon, so I made it!" she explained.

Jungkook was taken aback by Jin's sudden change in his overall demeanour . It had been weeks since he had seen Jin show any interest in food, he knew most times Jin was eating just because of the baby and witnessing him genuinely enjoy a meal made him happy.

Maybe this was a sign that things were improving, that Jin was getting better and would be able to carry their son to term. Jungkook's gaze lingered on Jin as his eyes started stinging, the tears straining inside to come out—it had been so long since he had seen Jin look so normal, and he couldn't help but feel emotional

Heejin noticed the happy tears glistening in Jungkook's eyes and her heart ached for her son. She understood the toll everything was taking on Jin's health and knew that seeing him happy and back to normal was essential for Jungkook's well-being too. With a gentle smile, she decided to engage Jin in further conversation to keep the mood light

"So, have you two decided on a name for my grandchild yet? I can't keep calling him 'little prince' forever" she teased gently while she took bites of her pancake

Jin glanced at Jungkook and they shared a look before Jin replied, "We have checked out some names, but we couldn't decide."

" 'Prince' is a good name though." Jungkook teased knowing very well that Jin would hate it

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