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A lot of people followed me since the last chapter, and I'm not nervous at all! 😂

**I have something to say at the end of this chapter 🥲. I had originally written a lengthier chapter..but some things have to wait for now.

Anyway, hello peeps! We are slowly approaching the end of this book.

And we hit 40k... You guys are amazing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


One month later

"Tae!!" Jimin called softly as he stood in the doorway of Taehyung's study fiddling with the ends of his sweater

"Hey, baby! Do you need something?" Taehyung asked, looking up from the files he was working on.

Jimin approached him slowly,biting his lip nervously " No!! he said quietly

Taehyung's forehead creased immediately "Are you okay?" He asked, noticing Jimin's pale face and trembling lips.

Jimin shook his head "No!!" He replied, his voice breaking. "I'm!! "he said, stuttering as tears began welling up in his eyes.

"What?!" Taehyung went silent for a moment, his eyes wide in shock. Then a huge smile spread across his face. "That's amazing! Wow! I'm going to be a dad! We are going to be parents! Babe!! This is incredible!" He jumped up and wrapped Jimin in a tight hug, kissing him passionately.

"This is such a surprise! When did you stop taking birth control? Were you planning to surprise me?" Taehyung asked, ad he broke the hug, holding in to his husband's shoulder tightly..his excitement bubbling over.

Jimin shook his head, looking down"I... I might have missed a few pills...I saw some signs and took a test, and... I don't know!!"he said, his voice trembling.

Taehyung nodded" Oh, baby, are you okay? Any symptoms yet? We need to see a doctor! There's so much we have to do!! Damn!! " Taehyung said, his mind racing.

"I have had some headaches here and there. And a bit of cramps..I guess that was it," Jimin admitted.

"This is so great! You don't know how happy I am, baby!!"!Taehyung said, his eyes shining with joy and hugging Jimin again

"Tae..." Jimin called out again , trying to squirm out of the hug

Taehyung felt the nervousness in Jimin's voice and released him from the hug. He saw the look on Jimin's face and his smile faded immediately "What is it, baby? Are you not happy?" he asked, worry tinging his voice. He wondered if Jimin wasn't ready for the baby yet or Even though he had always said he didn't want kids as a way to rile up his father, Taehyung knew that wasn't his true intention. He feared Jimin was nervous, thinking about his dissatisfaction with the topic.

Jimin wiped his tears away sniffling "No, I'm really happy! But... Jin hyung!" Jimin whispered ,his voice barely audible, pulling Taehyung out of his thoughts.

"Oh!"Taehyung said, stepping back as the reality hit him. He remembered how Jin was still undergoing therapy and hadn't fully recovered also the fact that Jin was staying with them and it might be hard on Jin to see Jimin pregnant

"God, how am I supposed to share this with him? He's still not recovered... I feel so guilty!" Jimin said, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Taehyung sighed, understanding Jimin's feelings but also knowing that Jin wasn't the type to be jealous or angry over their happiness. "Baby, he will be happy! I'm sure. Where is he now?"

"Getting ready to go for therapy. He will be happy, but I still feel bad... the timing! Damn it!" Jimin said, wiping his tears.

"Look, baby, it's a happy occasion. You shouldn't feel guilty or sad about it..He'll be happy for us. Let's just take it one step at a time. We'll share the news together, okay? Maybe after a while... once we are sure that everything is well and fine with you and the baby!!" Taehyung said, trying to comfort him.

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