You've got a friend in me

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Sorry about republishing..forgot to add little something at the end😬😬😬

Spread love..not hate🩵


"Jeon" Jin called out to Jungkook in the store while browsing through the aisles as they went shopping for their weekly groceries. Jungkook, who was on his phone talking to someone, looked up and saw Jin holding something in his hands with a big smile.

He ended the call and came near Jin, only to have his eyes widen in surprise.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, snatching the object from Jin and placing it back on the rack.

"Why is this in a supermarket? Shouldn't they hide such stuff? Kids come here!! Jungkook questioned in disbelief

Jin rolled his eyes hearing him " It's just a costume. Come on, they also sell condoms and lube. Stop being a prude... and I can totally rock it, don't you think?"Jin asked as he took the costume back from the rack, holding it up to get a better look. The black fabric was adorned with lace and sequins, and was almost it an unmistakably provocative look.

Jungkook looked at the details on it and gulped "Jin, it's called a 'slutty witch outfit!!" he said with big eyes

Jin nodded "Exactly,Come on, don't act like you're not into this kind of thing and i quote you 'being ashamed is not how you ended up putting this in me' " he replied with a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips while he pointed at his belly.

Jungkook let out an frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Jin, I'm trying really hard to keep things normal, especially since the day you said the baby can hear everything. Please! You can't tease me like this and expect me to stay calm"

Jin bit his bottom lip amd shrugged "Who wants you calm! You have  been acting too vanilla lately" he shot back with tone laced with mischief

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise. "Vanilla?! Jin, you are pregnant!" He protested, his voice laced with a mix of disbelief and concern. He knew it took a lot for him to tone down his usually high sexual urges towards Jin, fearing it might harm their baby. Jin's increased appetite for sex since the pregnancy was apparent but Jungkook had been trying hard to restrain himself from being too intense as he used to be.

Jin frowned "So what? That just means I'm craving it more, and the doctor said everything is fine with our little pumpkin" Jin explained as he remembered about their recent hospital visit for their regular check up.

Jungkook shook his head "No, she said your blood pressure is still on the high side and you need to relax more..." he reminded him

Jin rolled his eyes once again "Whatever, I'm getting it..he declared in an annoyed tone as he picked up the costume to add to their shopping cart
"Maybe i should look for some dildos online too.." Jin said nonchalantly

"Jin, please stop..."Jungkook pleaded, his voice tinged with frustration and concern" you are not being fair..please baby"

"Jungkook, stop acting like... oh!!" Jin's voice trailed off as he noticed someone familiar browsing party supplies in the next aisle.

"Hobi!" Jin exclaimed excitedly

The man turned towards them hearing his name,  his eyes widening in surprise and a sudden hint of nervousness flickering across his features as he recognised his boss's brother in law. "Mr. Kim and ..Jungkook!!..." His voice trailed off seeing Jimins best friend also there with Jin.

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