Cinderella's Home

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I m back with a literal mess of a chapter 🩵🙂

‼️Chapter is very long and slightly triggering - verbal abuse and mention of physical abuse.

Jimin noticed Jin's car entering the compound of Jin's family mansion and he saw Jungkook stepping out from the driver's seat and stretching his muscles. After making sure that Taehyung was engrossed in a phone call at a distance, Jimin seized the opportunity and approached Jungkook silently and pinched his arms hard, causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Horny perv!" Jimin exclaimed in annoyance and anger

"Ouch!! Why are you attacking me at the crack of dawn, Jimin?" Jungkook questioned, rubbing the spot where he had been pinched, clearly taken by surprise.

Jimin huffed loudly and leaned in, whispering angrily , "He is pregnant!! You couldn't keep it in your pants for just one day. The moment you felt like he was breaking off the engagement, you made him sleep with you. Such a prick! I'm not letting you anywhere near him until the baby is born..i don't care if you are the father or not!"

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock. "What? How did you know that?"

"I called him in the morning, and he said you didn't let him sleep a wink," Jimin explained, crossing his arms and glaring at his best friend." Like you haven't done enough already !!" He shook his head angrily

Jungkook's mouth opened wide in surprise upon hearing how Jin carefully omitted the part where he practically initiated everything that happened last night. He most definitely had no plan to have sex with Jin because he didn't want to make him tired or hurt his baby during the process.

When Jungkook recovered from the initial shock he  defended himself, "Okay, first of all...if anyone made  anyone sleep with them's him manipulating me. He bullied me into it, i said no many times ...and 'HE' didn't let me sleep a wink. He was—"

"Liar!" Jimin interrupted, creasing his brows. "As if my poor hyung will do that! i know how your stupid head works!!"

"Jimin, you are my best friend . Trust me, your brother-in-law was on some hormone high last night, and your hyung is not as innocent as you think," Jungkook admitted with bid eyes..trying to justify his actions.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked as he came near them, noticing that his fiance and best friend looked stressed about something "Are you two arguing ?"

Startled at the sound of Taehyung's voice , they quickly jolted apart "Nothing," they both said in unison smiling big. They hoped to avoid Taehyung's anger so early in the morning, considering he had just started warming up to the idea that his brother is pregnant with Jungkook's child.

Taehyung squinted his eyes in suspicion,. "You both are so creepy sometimes... I pray to God my nephew turns out to be normal. Anyways, are you sure you want to be there? It's not going to be good," he asked, looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed facing the big mansion in front of him. He was well aware of Jin's parent's consistent rudeness and disrespect towards him. Even though he usually try to avoid all kind of confrontation with them , he knew that today wasn't the day to do so. Jin needed all the support available. "Yeah," he nodded. "I need to be. I know they don't like me, but..." he trailed off, shrugging.

Taehyung nodded in agreement. "Your choice!! And I think hyung would love you being there too... By the way, where's he?" he asked, looking around for Jin.

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