De Vil Intentions

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Gentle reminder that this book is an Mpreg one.
If you are uncomfortable reading such themes this is the point where we breakup😫😫


The party was still in full swing; all the guests enjoyed the soft jazz and the top-shelf liquor and the room was filled with the sound of laughter . But Seokjin stood there, sipping his drink, trying to avoid the intense gaze of the  man in front of him. He looked around, his eyes settling on Jungkook, once again,who had been keeping an eye on Jin all evening. Jungkook smiled softly at Jin, which eased his tensiona bit.

Suddenly, a deep voice interrupted the moment.
"So, Mr. Seokjin.."

Jin spit out his drink, taken aback by the unexpected voice. He wiped his face with his hands and coughed to clear his throat.

"Can you just call me Jin? I'm fine with being casual," he requested Namjoon , feeling as if he were in a business negotiation rather than a meeting with his potential future husband

However, the attorney chose to ignore his request. "Seokjin, what are your plans post-marriage?"

Jin's eyes went wide and he looked at Namjoon with confusion. " What again?!"

Namjoon noticed his confused expression and frowned "I've been repeating everything. Do you perhaps have a hearing problem? I wasn't informed about that before!!"

Jin couldn't believe that the man his mother had chosen for him matched their taste so well. He was obnoxious, self-absorbed, and just as snobby as his parents.

Namjoon sighed seeing how Jin was not responding and decided to repeat his question again

"Very well..after our marriage, what are your plans?"

Jin's eyes widened again as he realized that the man was already planning their entire future, even though this was supposed to be their first meeting. He thought for a moment and then shrugged.

"I suppose I'll be taking over the company. My father wanted me to get married and have kids before that, so... that's the plan."

Namjoon nodded "So, this company has two heirs, considering you have a younger brother. Is he not interested in becoming the CEO?"

"TaeHyung will receive half of the shares, just like me. But he's not interested in the CEO position. He's an engineer and prefers to work on our more ethically-driven projects, not the skyscrapers and big ones. He's content with his current role." Jin smiled at the attorney, hoping to get something other than the blank expression that he had on since they met.

Namjoon nodded, keeping his straight face "Great!! Also ..Good that you mentioned kids..After our wedding i expect us to have kids rightaway..!"

Jin choked on his drink once again, startled by Namjoon's unexpected words. "What?!"

Namjoon sighed, clearly annoyed that he had to repeat himself. "Yes, since your dad wants us to have kids, it'll benefit both of us. My parents are also pressuring me for a grandchild, and I'm their only child, so the responsibility falls on me. I expect you to meet that need."

Jin was at a loss for words, so he grabbed another drink and his eyes wide as he listened.

"But," Namjoon continued, "I do expect you to be a hands-on parent, just like my appa was. He gave up his business and sold it when he gave birth to me and stayed home until I was 18 and in college. Now, he got back to his old company as it's appointed CEO ,they always wanted him back since there was no one as talented as him to run that business but i will always be grateful that he made a big sacrifice for me."

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