Enchanted Dilemmas

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Sitting in their home's dining area, Taehyung's eyes widened with disbelief as Jin dropped the bombshell of his engagement to Namjoon.

"What do you mean by you are engaged?"

Jin, remained silent, anticipating his brother's fury. Taehyung had warned him not to rush into marriage, advising him to spend more time getting to know Namjoon. However, the situation had taken an unexpected turn after a meeting with the attorney, leaving Jin entangled in a complicated mess . Namjoon had already sent dates for their engagement party and upcoming wedding, both scheduled to happen within the span of a few months.

Jimin, sensing Taehyung's rising temper, placed a calming hand on his fiancé's hands" Hyung, you're supposed to date him a bit. Why would you agree to this?"Jimin questioned, Concern etching on his face

Taehyung withdrew his hands from Jimin's grasp, his frustration evident, "You just talked to him, and you're engaged suddenly?! Did Dad and Mom force you? I'll talk to them."

Jin shook his head, unable to disclose the unsettling truth about Namjoon's manipulative and threatening tactics. "He wants it done fast; ..you know next year both of us are going to be busy...i " he began to make up some excuses

"Then tell him to go fuck off! " Taehyung hissed in anger " He's not the only rich guy in the world!! I'm sure Mom and Dad will find someone else for you"

"Tae, I can't..."

" Why not?!" Taehyung questioned

Jin sighed and licked his lips before speaking " You know what dad said..you heard him!!"

"You can't blindly marry him, no matter who he is! After the marriage you are one who has to live with the that man!! Not mom or dad or me!" Taehyung got up from the seat in anger almost making the chair fall to the ground" why are you like this hyung?! Do you even realise how miserable your life will be ?!"

Jin closed his eyes shut feeling the frustration rising inside him " Tae stop it!! its my life i will decide what i want..mind it!!  are my younger brother , i m older here! Not other way around..so think before yelling at me!! Also what if i want to marry him?!"

Taehyung scoffed, "yeah right!! Everyone wants to marry a psycho who practically forced you into marriage in a day?"

Jin stood up,m from his chair angrily , "I'm done if this is how it's going to be. I came here for comfort; I don't want more yelling..i have enough people for that already!!"he said picking up his bag and beginning to leave

" Hyung ! Wait.." Jimin tried to make him stop , but Taehyung was feeling at edge , angry at Jin's behaviour. He hated that Jin always sacrificed his happiness for making his parents happy "You can't get angry at me! You clearly hated him. Why else would you behave that way at the party? You even had the guts to leave with Jungkook!" Taehyung said as if he was challenging Jin

Jin sighed, turning back to face his brother, and admitted, "I was drunk, Taehyung!!"

"People sometimes spill the truth when they are drunk," Taehyung shrugged, unyielding.

In frustration, Jin angrily threw his bag to the ground, "I don't care!! Is it new knowledge to you that I will end up like this? I had my chance with Yoongi and many others. I blew it. So, this is my fate now."

"So you blew it! This is not fate!! This is ypu being stupid! You don't have to rush into marriage; take your time... You're being a coward, hyung! For what? This damn company? Money!"

Jin laughed hearing his brother's argument , "Then, Try living without being privileged! It's easy to criticize me. Tell me, how many times have you enjoyed everything this money brought you? When have you ever driven a car that wasn't a luxury one?"

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