Mother Gothel🧛‍♀️

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Light smut ahead

Jungkook was practically running to the elevator after he dealt with the shameless driver. He couldn't believe his audacity to check Jin out in front of him like that.
He reached the entrance and tried to open the door, but it was locked. He tried to push it a few times, but a security guard stopped him from going further.
"Buzz in the apartment to go up, sir."

"What?" He looked at the guard, confused.
"The apartment number, sir, will let you in," he explained.
"Ohh!! Its..shit!! What the hell did he say before leaving?" Jungkook scratched his head; he was so lost in Jin's beauty that he forgot what Number Jin told him.

"His name is Jin... Kim Seokjin, tall..handsome..I kind of forgot the number." Jungkook explained his situation to the guard.

He shook his head. "You need clearance from the resident to go up there. I know the guy you are talking about, but I can't give out their personal information, many high class residents stay here so its kept private,sir.Perhaps you want to tell him that you're here. He can tell you the number and will buzz you in."

Junkook groaned in frustration. "Seriously!! What do I have to do before I get to be inside you, princess? I should have just fucked you in the dirty bathroom," he mumbled.

"Excuse me!" The guard looked at him, shocked.

Jungkook smiled sheepishly, "It's..nothing..ahh!Damn, I don't have his number! Fuck!!!!" He sweared and bit his lip. He didn't want Jin to think that he ditched him. An idea came to his mind, and he quickly dialled Jimin's number.
He picked up after a few rings.
"Look, Kookie, I can explain." he started
"Shut up!!! I don't care where you are or if you are fucking on top of my bike. I'll deal with you both tomorrow." He cut Jimin off.

"Send Jins nimber right now or you will both suffer the consequences," he asked. He could have asked the apartment number but; it will raise suspicions.
"Why do you need Hyung's number?" Jimin asked
Jungkook huffed in anger, "Stop asking questions or I will run over you with my motorcycle and make it look like an accident."
"Damn!! You are crazy! Cut the call; I will send it now!" Jimins said shocked.

Jungkook sat on the lobby tapping his feet, restless, waiting for Jimin's message.
He couldn't believe Jin would finally agree to sleep with him, and he forgot the damn apartment number. How stupid was he?

"Sir.." the guard calls him
"Yes, one minute, I'll call him right now," Jungkook said. He was sure the guard might have thought he was a stalker or something.
"No sir. Mr. Kim Seokjin called and asked to give you clearance,"" he said.
Jungkook looked at him, surprised. "He did?"
"Yes, sir. He called to check if you were here. So I explained the situation. Don't you want to go? Apartment is 701"

Jungkook nodded vigorously and got up "Yes!!! Yes!! Thanks." He quickly pressed his apartment button and was immediately allowed in by Jin.
"The elevator is that way, sir." The gurd tried pointing, but Jungkook was already running towards it.

"It took you long enough," Jin smirked as he opened his door for Jungkook.
"I can't believe you forgot a number when you were so eager to fuck me."

Jungkook laughed and backed Jin to the nearest wall, pinning both hands above his head.

Jin let out a gasp because of the unexpected movement. He has been with many men, but none of them were rough with him. They all treated him like he was a fragile thing, and here is Jungkook just manhandling him and throwing him to walls and stuff. But he felt his body feeling tingly every time Jungkook did something like that, and it surprised him a lot that he actually enjoyed it.

"Teasing me, aren't you?"" Jungkook came dangerously close to his lips and whispers.

"Mmhmm.." Jin answered, taking in jungkook's scent, the fait scent of his cologne with what Jin thought was mostly Jungkook's own scent, which was turning him on so much.

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