Part of Your World

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3-4 chapters more and we will be done with this book🙂

Jin sat silently in his car as he watched Jungkook come out of the building again. For the past few weeks, Jin had been returning to this place repeatedly, just to see him. He didn't know why, but he still couldn't muster up the courage to approach and talk to him. Jungkook always looked the same- smiling yet sad, and getting thinner. His body was now leaner than it used to be. Jin wondered if he wasn't eating well. The Jungkook he knew loved to eat and so did their baby. Maybe Hayoon had infact inherited his dad's trait

A smile bloomed on his face as he remembered how good his life was back then with Jungkook—their apartment, their room, the ajhumma at the corner of the street who always flirted with Jungkook and the convenience store clerk who knew his purchases by heart..

As Jungkook went away, Jin resumed his day as usual. Jungkook's routine was now familiar to Jin. He would go to his son's grave next and on weekends he would visit an orphanage to help the children there. Jin realized how Jungkook had been channeling his sorrow into something positive, using his pain to do better and feel better. Meanwhile, Jin had been just... angry, sad, and consumed by grief..hating on the world..making everyone worry.

He knew it was time to attempt a change. He had to accept that his baby was not coming back, but he could find a way to move forward.

Jin had decided to move out of Taehyung and Jimin's house. He had made significant progress, and his doctors agreed that it was time for him to face life again. After a lot of convincing and him promising that he will talk to Jungkook soon, Taehyung and Jimin reluctantly agreed, but still were worried about leaving him alone. Jimin was almost three months pregnant, and Jin felt like he had been taking up all their time and space.Their marriage plans had been canceled because of him..they got married but hadn't yet gone on a honeymoon. They hadn't had any privacy..all because of him. So, this was the time to change that..So they can start their little family in peace.

Jin found a small studio apartment in a good neighborhood, just 15 minutes away from Taehyung and Jimin, so they could visit him anytime.He wanted to go back to work too, but his miscarriage and the news surrounding it were all over the media once again.His father was angry and Jin didn't want to be seen in the familiar circle immediately , fearing it would aggravate Manshik further.

Jin took out his phone and texted Jimin, letting him know he was going to look at some furniture for his new place since he was moving out that weekend. He wandered around the showroom, touching and feeling everything. He had no idea what he wanted until his eyes fell on a blue bed set. His heart skipped a beat. It was the same color Jungkook had painted their room, knowing Jin liked it.

He softly touched the bed, memories flooding back. The color, the texture, everything reminded him of happier times. He could almost see Jungkook's smiling face as he painted the room, laughing at Jin's playful complaints about  changing his lifestyle and home for him. And suddenly it felt like a sign, a small piece of his past that he could bring into his new life..he called in the store assistant and placed an order for it..and a few other things that caught his eye to be delivered to his address.

Jin was about to get back to his car after he was done with a little more shopping for essentials when a familiar voice called out, startling him, making him almost drop his bags.

"Hello, Seokjin."

Jin turned to see who it was "Oh!!fuck my life!! "He swore under his breath

"Kim Seokjin!! language!" Kim Jiwon rolled her eyes.

"Like I care." He scoffed in response

"Stop making a scene. Didn't you do that enough already?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jin snapped, turning to face her fully.He didn't understand why she was suddenly interested in talking to  him. He still remembered how she humiliated him at that cafe when he approached her.

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