I'm where I'm meant to be

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Hello..welcome to a new chapter 🩵🩵

Please be my darlings and ignore all the mistakes i made 🤓🤓


Jungkook rested his head on the couch, staring at the ceiling as the day's events flashed through his mind, stirring up emotions he didn't know existed in his world. Not only did he feel fortunate to have been born into a normal family, but he also felt grateful for the unconditional love he received from everyone there.

"He's asleep," Jimin's voice broke the silence, causing Jungkook to look up.

"Thank god," Jungkook sighed with relief as Jimin entered the room. After their meeting from hell with Namjoon, they sought refuge at Taehyung and Jimin's house to rest and recover. Despite Jin's display of strength in confronting Namjoon, the entire thing had left him deeply shaken and took it's toll on him. Jin went through a severe mental breakdown afterward and cried  to the brink of fainting.

"His blood pressure was off the charts, and he nearly collapsed by the time we reached the hospital..and you know its not a good sign!! You can't imagine how scared i was " Jungkook's voice trembled as he recounted the events that happened after the meeting, with his fingers instinctively reaching up to massage the tension building in his temples.

Jimin's heart ached at the sight of his friend's situation. He came forward and enveloped him in a tight hug . "Kookie!! I'm so sorry!!" he said softly. Jungkook nodded and leaned into the hug wanting to feel some comfort from his best friend's warmth and understanding.

Despite his best efforts he couldn't calm Jin down earlier and he had to reach out to Jimin to take advise on what to do. And upon Jimin's suggestion he took Jin to doctor Soo immediately, which was the best call afterall.

Jungkook sniffled and sat back up . He turned to Taehyung with his eyes pleading for answers. "Why?!!! I'm so sorry, Tae, but do your parents even care about you both? I can't understand!"he asked confused by the whole situation.He always thought they were just extremely tough parents and like regular rich people , they were just set on their ways.But today he wondered if they actually had any affection for their kids or see them as just a medium to carry forward their company.

Taehyung remained silent shaking his head slightly in response. He didn't have the answers to Jungkook's questions.

" How can parents not love their children ?!Our baby is not even born but i already know i would take a bullet for them if i needed to..Isn't that how parents are supposed to be? Am i wrong?!"Jungkook asked looking at Jimin

Taehyung sighed ,his expression reflecting a mix of anger and sadness. "I wish I had an answer, but I don't," he admitted quietly. "Parents are supposed to love their kids unconditionally, but sometimes it just doesn't happen that way. It's a hard truth to accept."

Jungkook snorted "All I have ever witnessed is their cruelty towards both of you, particularly Jin. But i still thought they will have some sort of hidden love beneath all that .." he continued with disbelief and disappointment in his voice "You know jin told me about his fears of ending up being a parent like them..like abusive and neglectful!! He told your dad used to be so violent with you both and he was afraid if he had the same traits as him"

"What?!" Taheyung looked at him in shock.He never knew Jin was so deeply affected by their lack of affection to the point it lead him to question his self worth.

" Yes," Jungkook confirmed, his frustration evident in his voice .  "He is a sweet man! But this is how you mess up children. Parents often don't realise the long-term effects their actions can have on kids..manifesting in various forms. Did they even consider the toll this would take on Jin, especially with the pregnancy? It's as if they were willing to jeopardize Jin's well-being just to have their way. She knows how it will hurt him, right? She has birthed two kids too." Jungkook groaned and leaned back clearly troubled by the entire situation.

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