Where Did We Go Wrong?

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Don't miss out on the previous chapter!

This one  is a bit of a mess with so much going on, but I think you'll enjoy the ride.🩵

Disclaimer: The therapy sessions in this story are fictional and might not be accurate. For real mental health issues, please consult a licensed professional.


Two months later

Jiwon's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Taehyung standing at her door. His unexpected presence in the quiet afternoon caught her off guard. They hadn't spoken for months, not since their argument over what happened between Manshik and Taehyung a month before. Their relationship was strained, especially outside of work, and they both knew Manshik was holding out on him just because he had no other options left if Taehyung also left the company.

"What are you doing here?" Jiwon asked, her frown deepening.

"Taehyung hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Can I talk to you?" he asked, his eyes pleading for her understanding.

Jiwon sighed, crossing her arms defensively. "About what? You know Dad isn't here."she asked , unsure of what Taehyung could possibly want to discuss

Taehyung shrugged, following her into the living room. "I know, that's why I'm here. One less person to scream at me!" he said with his tone laced with bitterness.

Jiwon sighed again, taking a seat on the couch. "If this is about your courthouse wedding, I don't have anything to say. Taehyung, it's shameful to us... We had invites ready, and you just went ahead and did whatever you pleased. Do you know how many people I had to answer to?" Her disapproval was evident in her tone.

A few weeks back, Jimin and Taehyung made a bold decision to scrap their plans for a grand wedding and instead opted for a surprise courthouse marriage like they originally wanted. They announced their wedding plans the following day on the news paper and other media,catching their parents completely off guard. The news caused quite a stir, as both families had been envisioning a lavish celebration, expecting to make it the event of the year.

Taehyung sighed loudly and shook his head"He is sick, Mom! ..Really, really sick! How can I have a big wedding when my brother and Jimin's best friend are mourning the loss of their child? And we both didn't see any point in postponing the wedding unnecessarily...we were never interested in a big wedding anyway!! We are happy with this!! Please understand!!" Taehyung pleaded with desperation creeping into his voice.

Jiwon rolled her eyes in annoyance "I do not want to talk about it, Taehyung! It's humiliating, and you know how mad Dad was at me. He thinks everything is my fault..every single time you and your brother mess up something,he blames me for it..as if i have any control over your lives!!" Jiwon snapped, her frustration bubbling to the surface.

Taehyung snorted, his anger boiling over by the mention of his dad" Yes, I know it's always about him! What he wants, what his fucking business associates want! What his damed assistant wants... who cares about us? Me and hyung are just puppets!! Isn't it!!! ...Do you think I waited for that man to go out to come here because I was happy about him?"

"Tae, language!" Jiwon scolded sharply.

"No!" Taehyung yelled in desperation . "How can you sit here and act like there's nothing wrong? My wedding is not the issue here mom!!! Hyung lost his child... his son! He is not himself...he hasn't been for the last two months. He hasn't even talked to his boyfriend, who is suffering, by the way. He is hiding in our home unable to face Jungkook and the rest of the world..." He paused to take a big breath" I know you don't care about Jungkook, but Jin hyung is still your son. I'm out of options. He hasn't even set foot in his own son's grave... I m getting worried about him!! Help me! If you ever really loved us, please!"

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