I See The Light

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The Festa 2024 notice came as I was writing this, and I had to shut down the app to process it... God, I almost cried again... Jin is going to be back soon...😭😭

Jin fluttered opened his eyes to the soft morning light filtering through the window which was casting a warm glow over the room. He blinked a few times..adjusting to the brightness and then his gaze fell on Jungkook who was lying next to him. Jungkook's eyes were open and he was smiling gently..still dressed in his clothes from the night before.

"Did I wake you?" Jin asked, his voice still rough with sleep.

Jungkook shook his head as his smile widened . "No!! I have been up for hours. I was just watching you... like a creep!! Sorry!!" he added with a chuckle, reaching out to gently move a strand of hair from Jin's face.

Jin smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him. "What?"he asked , confused

Jungkook nodded "It's gonna sound silly, but I missed seeing you sleep...and sleeping next to you!!" he admitted, his eyes soft and sincere.

Jin felt a blush rise to his cheeks and he bit his lip quickly sitting up to hide his flushed face. "I missed it too!!"he said softly.

The previous night played back in his mind. After returning from the gym, Jin had invited Jungkook over for coffee since it was snowing pretty hard outside and asked him to stay over as he can't possibly let Jungkook drive his motorcycle in the cold weather.They had sat in Jin's cozy kitchen talking for hours, sharing everything they had missed in each other's lives. The conversation was easy..they both didn't hold back..they shared everything the other needed to know..it was as if no time had passed since they last spoke. They laughed..cried and slowly began to mend the broken pieces of their relationship.

Jungkook noticed the faint blush on Jin's cheeks and couldn't help but laugh softly. "Okay, I'll go freshen up and make you breakfast!" he offered, standing up and stretching. He was secretly glad to see that he still had that effect on Jin, despite everything that had happened.

"But don't you have to go to work?" Jin asked

"I'll take a day off!!" Jungkook replied with a shrug. "I don't think I'll be able to focus at work today, especially if I have this stupid smile plastered on my face. Don't want to end up in a lawsuit or something because I can't stop smiling at clients."he said pointing at himself with a smile

Jin chuckled at the image and shook his head as he watched Jungkook disappear into the bathroom. He couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and affection for the man who was now in his apartment..he knew he hit the lottery with him. Finding a man was not hard..but finding a good one was!! and he was incredibly lucky to have amazing people in his life despite everything that happened

Once alone, Jin fell back onto the bed and hugged a pillow to his chest..feeling a contented smile spread across his face. He still couldn't believe everything that had happened the night before, but he was grateful for every moment of it.

Jin woke up startled, anxiety creeping up hearing the unfamiliar sounds in the apartment. As he shook off the remnants of sleep..the memory of Jungkook being there and him falling asleep again dawned on him and he chuckled at his own sleepiness. He quickly got up, following the tempting aroma coming from the kitchen.

Leaning on the doorframe, he took in the all too familiar scene in front of him—his boyfriend cooking breakfast in the kitchen while humming a tune. He sighed as the sight filled his heart with happiness as always..he felt home...like he used go be...like his life was once again back to normal...and the time apart hadn't diminished that feeling one bit.

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