Into the Unknown

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"Mr. Kim, your fiancé is here to see you!" The urgency in his assistant's voice on the phone made Jin nearly drop the candy bar he was munching on.

Seokjin gulped down a rising sense of panic. "Ahhh...oh! Tell him I'm finishing a call... it's confidential," he responded, then hung up, clenching his stomach. The word "fiancé" sent another wave of nausea through him.

More than a month had passed since their initial meeting, and everything seemed to be working against Jin. As promised, Namjoon somehow managed to sway his family back towards the proposal, and is now forcing Jin to a complete transformation. His entire life is being changed – from wardrobe to diet, personal trainers to beauty clinics – all designed to fit Namjoon's vision of the perfect husband.

While Jin's parents were overjoyed, he quickly grasped that Namjoon was nothing short of a control freak, seeking a trophy husband rather than a genuine partner. The only relief for Jin was that Namjoon hadn't attempted anything intimate, aside from a few awkward kisses they shared in front of their parents to greet each other.He was thankful for that, because Jin possibly couldn't imagine being intimate with anyone right now..and strangely the only man he craved was Jeon Frigging Jk and it was something he knew was never going to happen ever again in his life.

"Let him in," Seokjin instructed his assistant, quickly hiding the evidence of his snack and preparing for Namjoon's entrance.

"What's so confidential that I can't hear?" Namjoon asked as soon as he entered, his observant eyes scanning Jin's lavish office.

"It's a land deal thing... you know, business," Jin faked a laugh, but Namjoon, as usual, kept a straight face, his attention fixed on Jin's appearance.

"Did you gain more weight, Seokjin?"he asked as he sat down on the couch in Jin's office.

A sigh escaped Jin. "Don't you have something better to ask? I'm trying ok!! These things take time"

"That new haircut really makes it visible; your cheeks are bigger than before... how come I didn't notice it last time?"

"You would have if you looked at me instead of your guests!" Jin mumbled, remembering about a dull dinner with Namjoon's associates where he had to fake an interest in law and court conversations without having the luxury of drinking.

"What did you say?" Namjoon questioned.

Jin shrugged and pouted a little in response know very well that Namjoon is not going to drop this topic anytime soon..

"The trainer said you're slacking off. Ypu are not showing up for most sessions..and are you even eating the food I send? That meal delivery service is the most suitable one for your current diet!" Namjoon continued his interrogation

"I do," Jin said , discreetly closing a drawer filled with chocolates, and another wave of nausea washed over him as he remembered the bland salad he had dumped in the trash that afternoon which got delivered for him.

Namjoon huffed seeing Seokjin's careless attitude "I don't know what to do with you anymore!" Namjoon shook his head.

"And I'm marrying the male version of my mother!" Jin mumbled.

"Speak louder; I hate your habit of mumbling," Namjoon said with a stern look.

Jin just stared at him, making Namjoon roll his eyes in frustration.

"Anyway, are you ready? Can we leave?" Namjoon inquired, glancing at his watch.

With an innocent expression, Jin questioned, "Leave where?"

Namjoon sighed. "To pick out your ring, Seokjin!!Our announcement goes out in two weeks, and you still have no ring. Remember?" He raised his brows, clearly frustrated.

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