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There will be a lot of mistakes ( well!! More than the regular ones😄) as i am writing this while travelling. Sorry in advance 🙃🙃


Jeon Jungkook almost choked on his own spit the moment he saw the message Kim Seokjin sent him.

He quickly shut his phone, coughed loudly, and tried to shake off the image in his head.

"What's up, Kook?! Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost!"
Jimin got up from the exercise mat he was on; he was in Jungkook's gym working out.

"Nothing. It's nothing," Jungkook said, faking a smile.
"No, you look pale. Here, let me see. Who was that? I heard messages coming in! Is mom ok?" Jimin asked me, extending his hand and asking for his phone.

"No chim no!!! Please no!"" He quickly took his phone out of Jimin's reach.
Jimin frowned at his friend's actions. "Ok!! You are being weird! I know I'll find it out anyway, but now! Come on, spot me." He said he was lifting the weights again.

Jungkook cursed his mind and started helping Jimin with his workout.
"You are playing a dangerous game, princess."

Later that night, Jungkook was invited to dinner by Jimin and Taehyung. Taehyung didn't have the guts to show his face in front of Jungkook after he stole his motorcycle that day at the bar. He has been avoiding Jungkook since then, but Jimin has had enough and decided to put an end to their Tom and Jerry game that day.

"I would have killed you!. But something good happened to me that night, so I forgive you!" Jungkook said smiling
"I thought you would murder me." Tae said awkwardly.
Jungkook sighed and leaned forward, looking both of his friends in the eye. "You knew it! And still took my baby for a fucked on top of her!!!..and don't even lie to me that you didn't..because I know the wild fantasy you both had.."
Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other, gulping.
"Be glad I was in a good mood." Jungkook said, leaning back on the chair .

"What made you in a good mood? Did you meet someone? I thought you and Jin Hyung might have fought like dogs and left." Jimin asked

Jungkook bit his lips, remembering everything that happened that night. A small smile formed on his lips. "Ahh, something like that," he winked.

"Oh, so it's that same person who made you choke at the gym!" Jimin teased him, remembering how suspicious Jungkook acted in the gym later that day

Jungkook choked on his spit again, coughing. Jimin's face lit up when he saw Jungkook's reaction.
"Wow!! So I'm right. Who is this girl? Why do you keep getting flustered every time I ask? Hmm!!" Jimin raised his eyebrows.

Taehyung smiled wide, seeing their interaction. "Baby, he is serious this time! Look at his face. When has this man ever gotten flustered while talking about a girl? Who has you on wrap? Did you finally settle on someone?"

Jimin's mouth fell open in a dramatic fashion. "Seems like it. He almost choked today seeing something on his phone, and he won't show it to me. Did she send you nudes? Or did she say she wanted to meet your mom or something? Is she pregnant? oh god!! I am going to be an uncle, aren't I?"

Jungkook's eyes went wide when he heard Jimin's imagination going wild. "Woh woh..calm's nothing like you think..and about that message, Trust me! That's the last thing you both want to see.."Jungkook said as the image once again tilled his head, making him feel things downstairs.

"Ok, I won't pester you for now! Anyways.. Tae said you've been discussing the party a lot with Jin Hyung. He saw you in Hyung's office a few times. Can you tell me some details, please? I'm so excited thinking about it."

Jungkook gulped nervously; he had no idea what was happening; he just left it to Jin to handle it while he handled other ' important things.'

"Ahh, it's a secret, Chim." he said, faking another smile, and picked up his drink glass to hide his obvious cluelessness, but his smile disappeared the moment he saw someone in the distance. He kept staring in that direction, his eyes turning dark, which earned Jimin's attention too. He turned back to see who his best friend was looking at.

"Heyy, that's Jin Hyung with Yoongi Hyung," Jimin said excitedly.
Taehyung also looked at them and broke out into a smile.
"Ohh yeah!! It looks like they are on a date; Hyung looks amazing!"

Jungkook's grip on the glass got stronger. Jin was dressed in some white pants and a matching white shirt; his buttoned shirt opened to reveal a lot of his chest. With a long necklace adorning his milky chest. The duo was laughing and talking to another couple at a distance, Yoongi's hand resting comfortably on Jin's waist.

"They make such a cute couple, don't they?" Tae smiled
"Yes, So cute. I hope they end up getting married and have lots of babies. Imagine both their features on a kid... the cutest kid ever." Jimin gleamed
"Oh yeah, I hope that too. He is a lot better than all the guys he dated before. He is so well-mannered and grounded. And Hyung did say that he likes him a lot too," Tae added.
Jungkook poked his inner cheeks with his tongue while he listened to their conversation.

"Heyy Hyung!!"" Tae called as the couple finished their conversation and moved forward to find their seats.
Jin turned to hear the familiar voice and broke out into a big smile when he saw his brother and fiance, but it dropped as soon as he saw the man sitting opposite them who was shooting him death glares.

"Ohh, you guys... and Jungkook! You are here." Jin said, licking his lips.
"Yes!! Fortunately, I'm here." jungkook answered
Jimin frowned at him and eyed him to shut up, thinking he was about to start another bickering session with Jin.

"You guys are on a date!" Tae asked
"Kind of..hii, I'm Yoongi..we haven't met right!" Yoongi extended his hands towards Jungkook.
Yoongi knew Jin Was keeping their breakup
under wraps for the time being, so he decided to go along with it.

Jungkook shook his hands with a smirk. "Jeon Jungkook, their friend." He pointed at Jimin and Tae.
Yoongi raised his brows, recalling the name "his best man, right! Jin has told me before, "He said keeping his hand back on Jin's waist, which Jungkook didn't miss.

Jin gulped, seeing the way Jungkook was looking at him. If looks could kill, they would have burned him down by now.
"Oh, he did!!. I'm sure it's all bad. Right, Jin!" Jungkook smirked at Jin, making him fidget.

Jimin rolled his eyes at Jungkook and was about to scold him, but Jin cut them off by laughing.
"So you people enioy..we will be sitting elsewhere," he said, tugging on Yoongi's hands, trying to desperately move away from them.

"No, we just ordered drinks; join us!" Jimin said, smiling
"Chim, let him go; he is on a date," said Jungkook, playing with his lip ring with his tongue and still not taking his eyes off Jin.

Jin was about to protest, but Yoongi spoke before him: Ohh, it's totally fine.. we just went to see a musical.. we got hungry so.. it's not a big deal..we will join you." Yoongi said and motioned for the waiter to set two chairs for them.

Jin cursed the moment he decided to get hungry and eat at the restaurant.

Everyone was chatting away happily about the upcoming wedding and Tae's epic McDonald's proposal. Jin sat there silently, listening to everything. He was still sweating under his clothes, as Jeon Jungkook was sitting next to him and was still giving him intimidating looks.

"Aww." A yelp escaped from Jin suddenly.
"What happened, Hyung?" Tae asked
"Yes, what happened, Jin?" Jungkook asked with an innocent face.
Jin looked at Jungkook and licked his lips nervously. "Oh, leg cramp. It went away. Go ahead, I m fine, "he said, smiling.
Jin's eyes watered as a strong hand gripped on to his thighs, once again kneading the flesh through the pants.

Jin looked at Jungkook desperately, begging to stop it. Jungkook eyed in the direction of the restroom before getting up.
"I need to use the washroom. I'll be back, he said and got up. "I'll be back soon."
He said this and walked slowly away towards the bathroom.
Jin sat there counting seconds; he knew Jungkook wanted him to join him, and he knew what triggered this kind of reaction from him. He needed to make an excuse to leave too.

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