Chapter 83

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There was now a stand-off between Demi and I. She refused to back down but I refused to give up and I would only use my alpha voice as a last resort. "Demi, you need to stop this. Please." I begged but it was like wasn't her anymore. Her eyes started to flicker between an ocean blue and a fiery red until they settled on red...

 Her eyes started to flicker between an ocean blue and a fiery red until they settled on red

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She started to slowly stalk towards me, "Don't make me do it Demi." I pleaded but again, it was like it wasn't her. I took a deep breathe, knowing I had to do this. I stood tall as I stomped forward and growled, "Stop. This. Madness." I commanded using my alpha voice.

She stopped and starting shaking her head. Her eyes flickering again but eventually turned back to blue. She looked up at me for a second before she became unsteady and collapsed. I soon as I saw her start to fall, I bolted forward and cushioned her landing with my body. The guys rushed forward and I looked up at The Judgement Day boys, "What happened?" I asked sternly. None of them answered, they just stood there stuttering, "If one of you doesn't tell me what fucking happened in the next five goddamn seconds, I swear to all that is unholy, you three will suffer unimaginable pain and torment." I spat angrily.

They began to explain that after she had finished her workout, she contacted them and asked if they wanted to hang out. They obviously agreed and came over but about an hour or so into them being here, Demi received a phone call. They don't know what it was about but they explained she was on the phone for a good 30 or so minutes before she put her phone down and started growling, keeling over in pain. They managed to carry her into the garage but when she shifted, she turned her anger on them and they'd tried to calm her for about 10 minutes before Sheamus and I walked in.

I accepted their explaination and asked the men to leave the room, for them to make some food and coffee for her. They said they would and left, "Demi. Baby, are you okay?" I asked softly. I heard her groan as she shifted back into her human form and I did the same. She placed a hand to her head and asked, "What happened?" and I explained what I knew. She then explained that the phone call was from the police, saying that her ex had somehow escaped custody while he was being transported to a high security prison.

"I promise you Demi that no matter what, he will never hurt you again. Not while I'm here." I say as I hold her face in my hands and place a gentle kiss on her lips before I help her stand. We walk into the kitchen to find a large plate filled with bacon, scrabbled eggs, hashbrowns and sausages on the table with a large cup of coffee made just the way Demi liked next to it. I help her to the table and she slowly eats her food and drinks her coffee as I give the guys a thank you look with a smile which they return.

Once Demi had finished and the kitchen was cleaned up, Demi asked about the meeting I had with Adam. Sheamus and I shared a look before he spoke, "Adam wanted to speak to Toni and I about the next steps for our storyline." and they all looked confused. "He wanted to run an idea creative had by us before he signed off on it." Sheamus finished and everyone looked at me so I sighed, "Creative wanted Ste and I to become a tag team and Adam agreed that it would the most logical step to progress our storyline for the fans." I told them. "What did you two say?" Dom asked, "We said yes and our first match is Monday night on RAW against The Viking Raiders Erik and Valhalla with Ivar joining them ringside." I said. "So you'll need a male superstar to join you guys, have you thought about who?" Finn asked and Sheamus and I nodded, "Yeah, we asked Drew to join us and he agreed." Sheamus answered.

We sat and spoke about it a little more before Demi went upstairs to take a nap and the rest of TJD left not long after. I lead Sheamus to the living room and we sat on the couch opposite each other, "So, you mentioned earlier that you already knew what our team name would be. Care to fill me in." he asked and a smirk makes it's way onto my face. "Yeah so, you know how your nickname is The Celtic Warrior and mine is The Angel of Death." I say and he nods, "Well, I was thinking and you can disagree but yeah I was thinking our team name could be The Warriors of Death." I tell him with a big grin.

He sits there thinking about it for a few moments before he turns to me, "The Warriors of Death... I like it." he says and I couldn't help but jump on him; wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly. As we spoke more, we decided that our tag debut gear would be black and red themed and our entrance music has yet to be determind.

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