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I head out on my bike after Ducky finishes stitching me up. I have Garcia give me the team's location so I can meet up with them.

I take a right and just as I'm about to turn I feel something rip through me, making me lose my balance and the bike skids along the road, throwing me off into a ditch.

I can hear two women's voices arguing in the distance as I grimace and find the bullet hole in my leg. I hear a man laughing and celebrating and then a sound of bone breaking from something metal hitting it. There's a thump and the male's voice is gone and one of the women is crying.

I grunt as I get up on my good leg and attempt to hop over to whatever is going on. I finally get there only to have a gun pointed at me.

"You better not miss this time." I warn the lady with the gun.

She's short with dark brown hair and has a determined look on her face. No fear showing, unlike the other woman that's holding the shovel. She's an emotional reck.

"Don't! It's done He's dead!" The other tall lady says and gets her to lower the gun.

"Wanna tell me what the hell is going on before I decide to get pay back?" I ask and they look at one another as I look down at the body of the dead man.

"He kidnapped and killed my baby a few years ago and got away with it." The tall woman says as she points to the dead man with a bashed in face from a shovel.

It's so distorted that not even a sketch artist could try to make it look human.

"Him and a few other guys. The cops weren't doing anything to find the killers, she deserves justice!" The other lady explains and I see a small skull in the ground, the size of a child.

"Rape and murder?" I ask and the mom sobs.

"She was only eight years old. Riding her bike like a big girl." The mom weeps and I clench my jaw.

"He admitted to it?" I ask.

"Not just her. He said there were others! He laughed!" The other lady says and that what I heard, he was laughing at the mother's pain.

"He said he burried her everywhere." The mom sons and I see that the skull is alone and I wipe the blood off my brow.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt anyone else." The mom apologizes and tries to give me something to wipe the blood off with.

"No, I don't want anything switching hands between us more than there has to be. The less evidence on me the better." I say and she furrows her brows and puts the tissue away.

"Take this, you're gonna need it to get away." I say as I get a wad of cash out of my wallet and hand it to the tall woman and they look utterly confused.

"You're not going to tell?" She asks.

"Unfortunately I have to. I'm with the FBI. But this isn't my case and I can give you at least a good hour head start. Take this phone and get as far away as you can. Don't use the phone for anything other than waiting for my call. I'll call you when they figure out where you are, and trust me, they'll figure it out. It'll hopefully give you enough time to get out of there, and some advice, split up." I say and hand her a new burner phone I bought.

"Why are you doing this if you're a cop?" The other lady asks.

"Because I believe in justice, just not the justice system. Wipe your prints from the shovel handle and gun. Get rid of the gun in a river or sewer on the way to wherever you're going, as long as it's moving water. Sit h the car, wipe the steering wheel down, seats, don't forget the shift and blinker! That's what most criminals forget about. Just touch as little as possible and put your hair in a ponytail, don't leave DNA. Gloves are a must from here on out. At least until you get someone safe. Hats, sunglasses, don't look into security cameras and don't use a credit card. Cash only, don't use your real name, maybe even add a southern accent. Don't dress like you normally would, change your walk, but try and make it look natural. Act natural, if you act like you're on the run you'll be easier to spot. After the call, dispose of the phone, not only destroying the SIM card, but smash it to pieces and dump it in a river. Your old life is over, everything in it is done and gone. You can't go back, don't look back, you can't even go to the funeral that will be held for your daughter. Don't even look up her name online, they can track that. Now get out of here." I tell them and they nod and leave.

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