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Danika's POV:
I'm let go and placed in a parking garage. I still can't see shit, so I find my way towards the stairwell. I sit down on a step, covering my ears with my hands from all the noise of the city.

They told me that it would take about an hour or so for the blindness to wear off and that I would be extremely sensitive to light.

I don't know how long I've been away from the team, but I'm more worried about whether Fitz is alive. I never got any updates when I was held captive.

Once they figured out I was telling the truth they got me a 'new' outfit and sent me away without as much of an apology. Not that I expected one, I'm lucky I got out of there, seeing as I killed one of their men.

I close my eyes and put my head in between my knees trying to stop all the noise, trying to concentrate on one smell at a time but it's all so overwhelming.

"Come on, get yourself together." I growl to myself after a few minutes.

I get up and slowly make my way down the stairs. The railing helps me a bit, but I've also learned to use my hearing to figure out where things are located.

I'm nowhere near great at it, but I understand it enough to help me figure out a corner is coming up. After a while I finally get to the bottom and put my head against the wall as the noise becomes even worse.

"Uh..." I hear a voice say and feel a vibration against the back of my head.

"Shit, sorry." I say realizing there's a person standing against the wall and I just rested my head on him.

"You okay?" He asks sounding worried and I can hear him moving around me.

"Yeah, I just..." I start saying but stop when I feel his stare on me.

"Are you blind?" The man asks and I gulp.

"Sorta..." I say trying to shrug it off.

"It's temporary. Um..." I try to explain.

"What's your name?" He asks and I grit my teeth not wanting to give anything away.

"Look, sorry for...that, but I should probably-." I start saying.

"My name is Derek Sheperd, I'm a doctor. Let me at least get you somewhere safe." He offers and I gulp not knowing if I should trust him or not.

What's the worst that can happen? Nothing worse than I've already endured. I think to myself.

"Uh, okay." I agree and he takes my arm in his and leads me to his car.

"Can I ask...where are we?" I question.

"We're downtown." He says and I nod.

"Yeah, I figured, but where?" I ask and he furrows his brows.

"Seattle." He says and I freeze.

"What?" I ask.

"As in Washington?" I add.

"Yeah." He replies and my heart is thumping.

"You don't live in Seattle?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Um...where do you live?" He asks and my heart is pounding.

"Virginia." I answer.

"That's across the country." He states.

"Yeah, I know..." I say and black out.


I wake up laying in a hospital bed. I still can't see anything, but I recognize the beeping noises and the smell. I figure I blacked out from dehydration, sleep deprivation among other things.

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