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I open the door and see Wes and Rebbeca standing there.

"Dee, what did I tell you about your monitor that close to the threshold?" Shawn asks from the kitchen and I'm guessing his phone beeped to let him know my monitor was close to the limit.

"I was just answering the door." I mutter and let Wes and Rebecca inside.

"Next time, tell me that someone's at the door-." Keating says but stops in her tracks when she sees who's there.

"You came back." Keating says to Rebecca.

Shawn leaves the kitchen to see what's going on and it's officially awkward when Rebecca and him make eye contact.

"Okay, well, I'm definitely not drunk enough for this, excuse me." I say as I make my way to the kitchen.

"Not the top shelf liquor!" Keating shouts at me.

I roll my eyes and mimic her order as I pour myself a glass of their most expensive looking drink. I take a sip and close my eyes as the liquid burns my throat, clearing my mind.

I head back into the living room where Rebecca is sitting with Wes. He seems extremely protective over her.

"How's the neck? I didn't nick you, did I?" I ask him with a small smirk and he gulps while Rebecca looks confused.

"What shelf did you get that from?" Keating asks me about the liquor.

"Don't worry, this was a knock off malt. They spelled Lilac wrong." I scoff and her eyes go wide.

"You mean the Macallan Lalique? My $10,000 bottle single malt?" She asks, fuming.

"Oops." I say after finished the last swig.

"I think I'll go to bed." I offer.

"Yeah, you do that." Shawn says as he takes my glass away and I can't help but smirk to myself as I walk up the stairs.

A few minutes later I hear Shawn walking up the stairs and he enters my room.

"Why do you like setting her off?" He asks as he crosses his arms.

"She fucking leashed me like a dog." I say as I show him the ankle bracelet.

"No, the police did." He counters.

"Who do you think recommended it?" I argue.

He shakes his head and leaves and I fall asleep a few minutes later.


I wake up to people talking downstairs and I realize the group is here and get ready then head down. Rebecca as telling her side of the story the night that Lila died.

"Shawn's waiting for you in his office." Keating whispers, looking at me.

"And then I strangled her and stuffed her in a water tank." Rebecca finishes and Keating stops talking to me and Rebecca laughs.

"You guys are so gullible." Rebecca mocks.

"Rebecca take this prep seriously or go to jail." Keating says.

"Isn't that like your job to make sure that doesn't happen?" Rebecca asks.

"On second thought, you wanna handle this?" Keating whispers to me.

"You sure you want me to do that?" I ask.

"She needs to understand how serious this is."

"Whatever you say." I huff and walk towards Rebecca.

Criminal Minds: DanikaWhere stories live. Discover now