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I get back to New York and get to the Helios building. I head towards the elevator only to end up alone with Jett.

"Have a good trip?" He asks politely, trying to make small talk.

"Yeah, the New Orleans one isn't related, like I suspected." I mutter not bothering to look at him.

He stops the elevator and turns to me and I grit my teeth.

"Gibbs teach you that?" I mumble.

"Actually, yes. He wanted to make it very clear with me that if anything were to happen to you or his team, that he would hold me responsible." He admits and I scoff knowing Gibbs all too well.

"But that's not the reason I've done it now."
He adds and keeps looking at me.

"Fine, I'll play along, what do you want?" I huff.

"Well, I was headed down to tell the team about the call I just received." He starts saying and I wait for him to go on.

"Oh, this must be where I'm supposed to act interested." I mock and he rolls his eyes.

"I've been told the case has been shut down. That we are required to hand all knowledge over to the government by noon today." He says.

"Okay, and you're telling me this, why?" I question.

"Because what the others don't know is that all these men were involved with the interrogation of the people suspected of the assassination attempt on the President." He says staring me down.

"Okay, and..." I ask trying to figure out where he's going with this.

"There's only one reason they could shut a case like this down, it would have to come from the orders of the President himself." He explains.

"And you think I had something to do with it?" I scoff at his accusation.

"I believe you know something about it." He corrects me.

"Why the hell would you think that?" I question.

"Because I searched up your cases of the past. You've saved the President's life more than once. Personally met him more than once. If anyone close to this case had his ear, it would be you." He assumes and I scoff.

"Wow, you must really think a lot of me if you think I'm capable of that. And anyway, if I was capable of it, what reason would I have?" I question folding my arms.

"I find it quite convenient that you just so happened to bump into a friend in New Orleans, and have him go home with the doctor as you stay back. I think you're covering for him." He confesses his thinking.

"And I suppose you think I covered up the murder for him too? No, you think I sent him after them!" I realize and he just stares at me.

"News flash, this guy killed the Vic in New Orleans, fingerprints were at the crime scene, the victim's blood was found in his apartment." I scoff and hand him the name that Elijah gave me.

I looked it up at the White House and made a few calls and confirmed my suspicions.

"And there's another problem with your theory, why would the killer go back to the state where none of the other possible victims were?" I question and he stares at me trying to read me.

"I have to give you an A for plot and creativity, but I'm afraid that's all it is, a story. Now, if you'll excuse me-." I start saying and go to reach for the button to restart the elevator but he steps in the way once more.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't trust you, but you have to understand-."

"These men are your responsibility and I already killed one of them. I get it, trust me, more than you'll know. But this wasn't me. And whoever it was...probably already been taken care of by the sound of it." I say and he seems to believe me and steps aside.

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