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Jett's POV:
"Have you seen Danika?" Hotch asks as I enter the precinct.

We went to the hotels after a few hours and got our sleep. We were told to report back at 8am the next morning.

"No. I figured she was here already." I shrug as I look around not seeing her here.

Hotch's phone goes off and he rolls his eyes as he answers it.

"Danika, I said 8 am sharp-." Hotch says and then pauses and gets a stern look on his face.

"Who is this?" He asks and puts it on speaker mode.

"You want the girl back, give us what we want." An accented voice orders.

"And what is it you want?" Rogers steps up and questions.

"The location of the remainder of the Urca gold." The man answers and I clench my jaw.

"The what?" Rogers plays dumb.

"Don't play dumb or you'll receive her in pieces." The man growls.

"How do we know that you actually have her?" Rogers questions.

Hotch rolls his eyes and shows us a picture the people took of her. She's unconscious with some dried blood by her brow. I clench my fists feeling my anger boil up inside of me.

"We'll do an exchange, meet halfway, you give us the girl and we give you the location of the treasure." Rogers offers.

"No, treasure first." The man on the line scoffs.

"So you can get the treasure and kill her anyway? I don't think so." Rogers counters and there's a pause.

"Then she dies and we throw her body overboard." The man threatens and I glare at the phone, ready to rip it out of Rogers' hands and threaten them.

"Well, if you do that, I'd do it before she wakes up. Because you're in the wrong headspace if you believe that she's stuck out there with you and your crew."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" The man scoffs.

"It means if you don't give us your location before she wakes up, you and your entire crew are as good as dead. You took her thinking you could use her as leverage, not knowing her capabilities. And if you doubt me, just ask your pal how she jumped into shark infested waters just to get to him. If you think you're safe out there because of your guns and men, you are in for a big surprise." Rogers scoffs and the team quirks a brow at him but doesn't say anything.

"Halfway, you lead us there and then get the girl. I see a single helicopter in the sky and she dies." The man offers and gives us the location then hangs up.

It's going to take a few days by boat to get to the destination, a plane would be a lot faster, but we don't have any other option

"I'll call for a-." Hotch starts saying.

"I got it covered." Vane says and I quirk a brow in his direction.

"You didn't think I'd have a pirate ship restaurant that couldn't actually be used as a ship. Upgraded with a motor of course, but still needs a crew to direct it." Vane explains.

"We're gonna show up to this in a pirate ship?" JJ scoffs and Vane motions for us to follow him.

He has all of his employees clear the place and take out the tables and unnecessary items. We get on and he makes us dress up as pirates.

"No boarding this beauty unless you look the part." He tells Hotch when he refuses to dress up.

"These people want to be pirates, let's show them what it used to mean." Morgan shrugs and I chuckle.

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