North Korea + China

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ya request time! This request is for MinttChocolateChip, and I am more than happy to oblige! :D

North Korea: So, you come here often?
China: this is my fucking house


North Korea: I think I'm in love with China
Soviet: I'm sorry?
North Korea: I said I think-
Soviet: No, I heard what you said. I'm just sorry.


North Korea: Why won't China go on a date with me? What am I doing wrong?
South Korea: Do you want me to answer as your therapist or as your brother?
North Korea: Brother
South Korea: See a therapist.


China: Fuck holding hands for romantic purposes. Hold my hand while walking on an icy sidewalk so if one of us slips, we both eat shit.


North Korea: I'm falling for China
Soviet: Well get the fuck back up


South Korea: Just be you! Be the real you and China will fall for you in no time!
North Korea: I spend a lot of time with the real me and trust me, nobody's going to love that guy


China, about North Korea: I always kinda just saw him as a funny little man
Russia: he's a fucking criminal

Sorry this is so short, I'm going on vacation right now, so there probably won't be any more updates until I get back home :)

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