Australia's Birthday

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July 26 - Australia's Birthday! (I made these at midnight what is my life-)

Characters: Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand

New Zealand: *wakes Australia up at 12:03* happy birthday Aussie
Australia, sleepily: why are you waking me up so early?
New Zealand: so I can one up all your other well-wishers


Australia: you know, when times are hard I find that playing to a nice tune can really fix things up!
Australia, frantically running around the house playing a banjo: MY ROOM IS ON FIRE


Australia: I have an idea
Canada: if it involves you, me, New Zealand, America, and the Avatar theme song, then no
Australia: ...I no longer have an idea


America: okay everyone, let's spilt up and search.
Australia: split up? Split up?! when we split up, the monster will come out and hunt us down one by one! Starting with the good looking comic relief guy, me!


Britain, seeing the house flooded: okay okay, the only logical explanation is that I am still asleep, dreaming that the house is flooded. What does it mean?
Australia, floating by: it means your probably under a lot of stress because this isn't a dream and the house is flooded


Australia: why am I not afraid anymore?
New Zealand: fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds it's certainty
Australia: I love hanging out with you, man


Australia: oh Ame, be careful in there, the counter's pretty sticky
America: ah well, I can clean it up
America: *walks into the kitchen*
America: Aussie why is the counter covered in sticks?
Australia, from the next room: I told you it was pretty-
Australia: s t i c k y


Australia: it's over. We won.
{behind him several dark shadows slowly start rising back up}
New Zealand: *starts to point*
Australia: no. We won. I'm not turning around and looking. We won.


Australia: I don't discriminate based off gender or sexuality. I discriminate based on whether or not you're an emu.
Australia: ...what?


Australia: give me all your money or your chemistry!
New Zealand: don't you mean history?
Australia: don't change the subject!
New Zealand:
Both: *break down laughing*


Australia: avenge my death
New Zealand: Aussie, you're not dying
Australia, grabbing New Zealand's shirt: AVENGE ME


Australia: so I said to myself, "Steve-"
Canada: wait, "Steve?"
Australia: yeah, that's what I call myself in my head


Canada: everyone know what they're doing?
Australia: in general, or the plan?
Canada: the plan, Aussie.
Australia: *sigh of relief*


Australia: we're lost.
America: lost? As in "where the heck are we?"
Australia: well we're not totally lost. We're still in the same city.
Canada: you said this was a shortcut.
Australia: it was! Look how fast we got lost!


Australia: I see the cup as half full, half empty.
New Zealand: there's nothing in there-
Australia: I see the cup as half full, half empty.
New Zealand: it's also a bowl


Australia: I can't believe the Hundred Years War were real! I thought it was something adults made up, like vitamins!
Canada: uhm Aussie, vitamins are real
Australia: well now I'm thinking maybe they should be!


America: uh oh
Australia: is that a good uh oh, or a bad uh oh?
America: is there ever a good uh oh???


New Zealand: you're insane!
Australia: thank goodness I am, because if I wasn't this probably would never work

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